Thursday, January 3, 2019

Stealthy Sharia in US

Creeping Sharia Suddenly Becomes a Full-on Sprint, by American Liberty Report 1/1/19.

America enjoyed a brief respite from its march toward Sharia law in the two years after B. Hussein Obama left office. But now that Democrats have regained control the House, the march has resumed – and picked up speed! It’s practically a sprint toward Sharia, as shown by a developing court case and the (probably) Pelosi-led House.

The media has dutifully been blacking out the federal trial of The United States of America v. Jumana Nagarwala. Dr. Nagarwala is a Mohammedan who hails from India and she is charged with leading a conspiracy to perform genital mutilation surgeries on baby girls in the Detroit, MI area for more than 12 years. The media refuses to cover this trial because it might lead you to ask uncomfortable questions about Islam and whether it was a good idea to quadruple the number of belligerent, unemployable foreign Muslims in America during Obama’s eight years in the White House.

Female genital mutilation, or FGM, for those who don’t know is a barbaric Third World Muslim practice just one step above tossing virgins in a volcano. A Muslim doctor or, in cases where a doctor is unavailable, some old guy with a rusty knife, hacks off part of a baby girl’s clitoris and usually some additional chunks for good measure. It is a savage, unholy and disgusting practice that the “diversity is our strength” coalition wants to import to America.

Congress specifically banned the practice of FGM 22 years ago and President Bill Clinton, being a stalwart defender of female genitals, signed it into law. Hey, credit where credit is due!

The media gleefully tells us every time that a federal judge overturns anything that President Trump or the current Congress does. So, it’s a bit of a mystery why the media doesn’t want to tell you about USA v. Nagarwala.

The federal judge in that case just overruled Congress. Using a bizarre bit of reasoning, the judge has declared that Congress had no authority to ban the practice of FGM. As of this moment, it is technically legal in all 50 states for Muslim immigrants to have a doctor – or some old guy with a rusty knife – mutilate their baby girls’ genitals, thanks to US District Judge Bernard Friedman.

Perhaps the Supreme Court will intervene eventually. But for right now, the federal government is trying to prosecute Dr. Nagarwala for a crime that the judge says cannot be a crime.

Congress could rewrite the law and try again, but how likely is that given that Democrats have just turned over a 181-year-old House rule in order to appease its newest Sharia-loving Representative. A woman named Ilhan Omar was just elected as Minnesota’s newest Congresswoman.

Quick question: What does Minnesota look like these days? Our impression was lots of hardy people of Northern European stock, with lots of blonde hair, blue eyes and Viking temperaments during Sunday NFL games. If Ilhan Omar “represents” them, Minnesota has probably made some drastic changes.

Ms. Omar is a full-on Israel-hating, Farrakhan-loving, hijab-wearing Muslim. She’s being very gently investigated for possibly marrying her own brother in order to dupe America’s clueless immigration officials. And now she’s in Congress!

House Democrats have announced that they will overturn a rule that’s been in place for almost two centuries in order to submit to Sharia. The rule is the one against wearing hats or head coverings of any sort while on the House floor. 

It’s a rule that was originally passed to differentiate Congress from those wags in the British Parliament. They were a bunch of hat-wearing continentals, you see, and the US Congress didn’t want to have any similarities to them in terms of dress while doing official duties. A lot of veterans from the War of 1812 were probably still kicking around in the House at the time, so there was probably some bitterness involved.

At any rate, the rule has stood for 181 years. Orthodox Jewish members of Congress have always been prevented from wearing their traditional kippah and no one raised a stink about it. But Muslims always demand total submission to their minority rule.

Ilhan Omar is not going to let you oppress her by preventing her from wearing the hijab! This is also good news for her, because her co-religionists will not be able to stone her to death for walking around with her head uncovered.

So, FGM is suddenly legal and Congress has submitted to the Sharia dress code. Tell us again why mass immigration from the Third World is such a positive for America?

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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