Monday, January 7, 2019

Witch Hunt Hoax

The Witch Hunt by Mueller has produced no evidence of any “collusion” between the Trump Campaign and the Russian Government. It was a hoax.

Rudy Giuliani is challenging Mueller to “Put up or shut up”. Mueller has failed to prove “collusion” and has found no crimes that would implicate the Trump Campaign. There is evidence that the “Collusion” allegation was a Hoax perpetrated by the FBI and other operatives in the Deep State. 

Democrats are prone to inventing and perpetuating hoaxes. The allegations allowed to sully the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings is the most memorable piece of Democrat sabotage.

Hopefully, the Senate has learned its lesson and will not permit circuses to form in its sessions and confirmation hearings in the future. Allegations should be accompanied by hard evidence. If there is no hard evidence, allegations should be ignored by the Senate. Let Democrats put their hoaxes on their own websites.

The DACA issue is another hoax. These illegals should only be eligible to apply for H1b, H2b and H2a visas and nothing else.  Their temporary work permits should be pulled if they are convicted of Voter Fraud or other crimes and they should be deported if found guilty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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