Monday, February 4, 2019

American Problems

Central and South American Countries are in crisis from drug cartels, suicidal socialism, crime, corruption and poverty. Citizens of these countries need to be able to support themselves and need their governments to pursue economic policies that allow sustainable private property ownership and opportunities to expand their private sector.

Poverty in Central and South America provides a real opportunity for Democrats to pack the US with welfare migrants in hopes they will become Democrat Voters in 2020. These are the same voters who voted for their socialist politicians to get free stuff. Nicaragua is the poster-child for this political phenomenon and its outcome. Migrant Caravans continue to deliver tens of thousands of migrants to the US Mexico Border and this border needs to be sealed.

Poverty Rates in Central and South America are:
Venezuela 87%
Honduras 66%
Mexico 42%
El Salvador 35%
Nicaragua 30%
Colombia 30%
Argentina 27%
Panama 23%
Costa Rica 22%

The US borders are porous and welfare migrants are coming to the border in caravans that number in the thousands. These caravans have been organized by socialists who want to destroy the US economy and managed by drug cartels.  Our politicians are obstructing our efforts to secure the border.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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