Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ancient History

The Ice Age is dated from 2 Million BC to 11,700 BC. Humans were thought to have developed from 1 Million BC. to 40,000 BC. near the Equator with a population over 1 million by 10,000 BC.

Our best guess is that humans originated in Equatorial Africa between 1 Million BC and 50,000 BC. Humans migrated North around 50,000 BC and their remains were found in Europe dated to 40,000 BC. This migration continued through Asia and Humans were found in the Americas dated to 15,000 BC. The end of the Ice Age expanded our liveable space and migration surged around 10,000 BC.

Our history is visable from 10,000 BC, through 5000 BC as we developed our ability to survive, often through trial and error.  By 5000 BC we had discovered metallurgy and farming and began to settle in villages near a water supply where groupings of families lived and worked.

The nuclear family has survived the test of time so far and continues to be our basic economic unit. Parents and other family members provided knowledge, guidance, food, shelter and protection of children.

As we settled into larger villages, families banned together to protect the village from harm by invaders and natural disasters and to ban together to build infrastructure for farming and housing.

The best hunters led hunting parties and the best fighters led defense from invaders. In some large villages, leaders were selected for their wisdom and fairness. Over time, rules were established to deal with misbehavior and those who did misbehave were banished from the village.

Clean water continued to be a basic need and we now know how to provide it by treating it with chlorine. Water was needed to irrigate crops and villages built trenches to provide for irrigation.

Self defense has been the rule since caveman times. Humans have had to defend themselves from animals and other humans.  Archeologists have abundant collections of ancient weapons, artifacts, skeletons and history chonocals. Our past and present are full of wars, natural disasters, drought, famine and illnesses we were unable to cure.

After 5000 BC, large villages expanded and providing defense became mandatory. Men were trained to be warriors and served as such to counteract invasions. Men also continued to hunt and fish and eventually raised sheep and other animals to provide food. All worked in the fields to provide grains and vegetables.

In 3100 BC, the Egyptian Empire was established It is thought that Abraham and Noah lived around 2500 BC.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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