Thursday, February 7, 2019

Greek Empire

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was the Macedonian King who established the Greek Empire during his 32 year lifetime. He expelled the Persians from Greece and conquered most of Europe, Asia and Africa. Alexander’s Empire spanned 2 million square miles and included the Persian and Egyptian Empires.

Alexander retook Greece from the Persians in 338 BC, He took Bulgaria in 335 BC, Turkey in 334 BC, Lebenon and Palestine in 332 BC, Iran in 331 BC, Turkmenistan in 329 BC, Uzbekistan in 327 BC, Afghanistan and India in 326 BC, Pakistan in 325 BC. Persia 334, Egypt 332

Greece formed with an alliance of Kingdoms in 700 BC.that bordered the entire Agean Sea.

Autonomous Greek kingdoms included Athens, Sparta, Macedon, Pontus and Paionia. 

The Greek kingdoms united in 499 BC. Greece was conquered by Persia in 449 BC, retaken by Macedonian King Alexander the Great in 336 BC. and conquered by Rome in 146 BC.

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) was a Greek King born during the Persian occupation of Greece.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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