Friday, February 8, 2019

Indian Empire

Settlements began after 10,000 BC. Ancient settlers developed farming and metallurgy after 5000 BC and settled along rivers with arable land, engaged in trade, lived in well built cities with roads, drainage systems and brick homes.  They wore clothes made of wool and cotton. Their diet included fruits, vegetables, eggs and pork.

By 1500 BC the Hindu religion emerged and by 700 BC Buddism was introduced. In 326, India was conquered by Alexander the Great, but India’s rulers were allowed to continue to govern.

The Indian Empire was established in 2500 BC and included modern-day India and Pakistan.

Consolidation of Tribes began in 500 BC into 16 Kingdoms. But tribes were continued as Provances managed by governors.  This governing structure lasted until 1858, when India became a British Colony. 

India regained independence in 1947, partitioned Pakistan for Muslims and established a Republic.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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