Friday, March 8, 2019

Georgia Legislative Update

By Jane Robbins <>

HB 481 -- Rep. Ed Setzler's "heartbeat bill," which would prohibit aborting babies who have a detectable heartbeat in the womb, passed the House Health and Human Services Committee this evening on a party-line vote. It will need to come out of the Rules Committee and pass the full House tomorrow (Crossover Day) or it will be dormant until next year.

HB 426 -- Rep. Chuck Efstration's "hate crimes" bill, which would enhance penalties when the criminal is thinking things the government doesn't like, was scheduled to be voted on on the House floor on Monday but then was postponed twice, now scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday). 

We appreciate all the calls you've made to Rep. Efstration and his colleagues to urge them to kill this dangerous bill.

BTW, the "hate crimes" concept has an interesting history (primarily related to the proponents' desire to exclude rape from the category of hate crimes, for various reasons). No one knows the history like Tina Trent. She writes about it here:

SB 221 -- the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Sen. Marty Harbin's bill, which tracks the language of the longstanding federal statute, was not given a vote in committee due to lack of support from the Governor's
and Lt. Governor's offices. I'll talk more about this deeply disappointing development when there's more time. The marijuana-cultivation bill passed the House yesterday and now goes to the Senate. 

More gambling bills have been introduced -- Sen. Brandon Beach wants us to spend most of our money at racetracks and casinos, and  Rep. Ron Stephens wants us to take what's left and throw it away on "all forms" of gambling, including sports betting, which would be allowed if his multiple bills and resolutions pass. Let's see what happens on Crossover Day tomorrow, and we'll give a better update.

As always, thanks for your involvement in promoting the good stuff (rare) and fighting the bad (common).

Source: Email from Dick Anderson

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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