Wednesday, March 6, 2019

South America Problems

Too many countries in South and Central America have high Poverty Rates and drug cartels threatening their populations. High demand for illegal drugs in the US is funding the cartels. Illegal drugs have become the high value cash crop for most of these countries. Illegal migrants are flooding the US to earn cash to send back home to their impoverished families.

These cartels operate like invading armies using threats, bribes, intimidation and violence. Each of these countries operate their economies from the cities and poverty dominates the rural areas. Rooting out corruption is dangerous and difficult. The poor are most vulnerable to this dilemma and the unemployed are recruited to work for the cartels.

The drug cartel problems seem to be concentrated along the drug corridor through Central America and across the US border.

If the cartels could be eradicated, these countries could attract more private sector investment to increase their productivity in producing agricultural goods and raw materials. The cost of living is lower in rural areas and should attract manufacturing plants to add further processing of raw materials.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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