Saturday, March 9, 2019

US Invasion

Power of President at Stake in War over Border Crisis.

Members of the deep state, Democratic Party and now defectors from the GOP have declared war against President Donald Trump over his national emergency declaration. They want to stop him from securing the U.S.-Mexico border and protecting everyday Americans from the flow of drugs, violent criminals and illegals who refuse to adhere to our immigration laws.

If one were to believe Democrats, the legislation to block President Trump’s emergency declaration to fund the needed border wall is about preventing presidential overreach. You know, like creating DACA. The Obama-era programs that allowed young illegal immigrants to stay after Congress failed to act.

The majority of Americans saw Obama’s executive overreach to give 700,000 young people a stay of deportation as a humanitarian emergency. But when it comes to protecting the country from criminal incursions, Democrats and now even some Republicans are resisting and obstructing.

“I hope our great Republican Senators don’t get led down the path of weak and ineffective Border Security,” President Trump tweeted. “Without strong Borders, we don’t have a Country — and the voters are on board with us. Be strong and smart, don’t fall into the Democrats ‘trap’ of Open Borders and Crime!”

The looming question is: Why is the president at war with Congress over American security? The answer is quite simple. Power.

“I think there will be 10 Republican ‘no’ votes. Possibly more,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said. “I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress. We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing.”

Dangerous for whom? Voters elected President Trump to smash Washington gridlock, restore power to the people and build a border wall. The U.S. House passed a resolution designed to block the president from fulfilling his American sovereignty mandate by securing the southern border. Voters saw decades of failure to act by Congress, similar to what Obama saw with the so-called Dreamers.

After the U.S. House passed a resolution to block the president with 245 votes out of 435, including 13 GOP defectors, the Senate appears poised to follow suit. There has been talk that as many as 10 Republicans will vote to obstruct President Trump from building the 200-plus miles of border wall requested by the Dept. of Homeland Security.

Other GOP insiders such as Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have urged the president to avoid using his emergency powers and litigate the issue under existing federal law.

“I was one of those hoping the president would not take the national emergency route. Once he decided to do that, I said I would support it, but I was hoping he wouldn’t take that particular path,” McConnell said.

President Trump has rejected that path based on the political nature of courts such as the Ninth District Court of Appeals that has shown a grotesque liberal bias. Sen. Alexander and others appear more concerned about the ability of the Commander in Chief to act without a Congress that has not done the people’s work. Many Americans see Congress as a cesspool of insiders doing what is in their best interest, not average working families.

“What is clear in the Senate is that there will be enough votes to pass the resolution of disapproval, which will then be vetoed by the president and then in all likelihood the veto will be upheld in the House,” McConnell reportedly said.

In other words, President Trump’s veto will in all likelihood stand, clearing a legislative hurdle toward completing the border wall started decades ago. Should the President successfully redirect funds in the interest of national security through his emergency declaration, he would solidify the power of the president to smash gridlock once and for all. That power has Washington elites nervous.

Chief among Republican concerns is that President Trump’s exercising of emergency powers in the interest of national security could be followed by a Democrat president issuing anti-American actions in the future. They fear an unprecedented liberal extremist power grab.

President Trump spoke about the reality everyday Americans face if a Democrat is elected during the recent CPAC gathering. “And a lot of people talk about precedent. Precedent. That if we do this, the Democrats will use national emergency powers for something that we don’t want. They’re going to do that anyway, folks.”

“The best way to stop that is to make sure that I win the election. That’s the best way to stop that. They’re going to do it anyway. They’ll do it anyway.”

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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