Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Constitution Originalist Scorecards

Conservative Review publishes scorecard based on votes by Congress that comply with the US Constitution (as originally written and legally amended). Liberals have held that the US Constitution is a “living document” The Courts have usurped legislative actions and Congress let them. Consequently, the federal government has inserted itself in what should be local laws.  Most federal departments, agencies and programs are unconstitutional. Congress failed to use Amendments because they knew the States would not ratify them.

68% of all Republican US House Reps have failing grades on Conservative Review Scorecard.

Of the 199 Republican House Reps, 135 Republican US House Reps have failing scores from 22% to 59% with a grade of F. 20 GOP House Reps have scores from 60% to 69%% with a grade of D. 29 have scores from 70% to 79% with a grade of C. 12 have scores from 80% to 89% with a grade of B, Only 10 have scores from 90% to 100% with a grade of A.

All 235 Democrat House Reps have scores from 0% to 24% with a grade of F.

In both the House and Senate, 370 of the 545 elected members of Congress have failing grades; that gives us 68% in Congress who don’t follow the US Constitution (as written) when they vote.

They could legalize their votes if they would only follow the Constitution (as written). If they want authorization to add to their “enumerated powers” they would do that.  They don’t do that because they don’t believe the States would ratify these additions.

The first violation of the US Constitution committed by Congress was the creation of Yellowstone as a National Park in 1872. The US Constitution forbids the federal government from owning land beyond what it needs to function. Since then Congress has created most of their existing departments, agencies and programs that are the purview of the States under the 10th Amendment.

Continuing to fund the government requires funding unconstitutional departments, agencies, programs and activities.

Notable “originalist” US House legislators include Dr. Ron Paul TX and Dr. Paul Braun GA.  Both maintained a score of 100%. Democrats called them “Doctor No”. They voted “No” on all unconstitutional Bills.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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