Monday, May 6, 2019

Asian Problems

Trade has replaced war. But the history of how we got here is riddled with costly wars aimed at expansion. The US is currently dealing with China to end theft of intellectual property, reach a reciprocal trade agreement and discourage Chinese militarism in Asia.

Animosity between Asian countries has a long history and involves China, Russia, Japan, Korea and the rest of Southeast Asia. They are neighbors and all want to expand their trade. Colonialism is alive and well in Asia, but borders are usually recognized.  All have populations looking for economic freedom and standard of living improvement. All of these countries are in transition.

In 1868, the Japanese government initiated reforms focused on trade with Korea and marked the beginning of Japan as a trading nation and potential colonial power.

In 1880, China and Russia laid claim to Korea in opposition to Japanese influence.

In 1895, Japan won the First Sino-Japanese War to solidify its influence in Korea.

In 1912, the last Chinese Emperor was overthrown in a revolution and abdicated. 

World War I, (1914 – 1918) had decimated Europe’s cash and marked the beginning of the end of global colonialism. This created a destabilizing vacuum in Asia. Japan and China had avoided colonial rule. Japan was ready to expand beyond their island nation to secure raw materials and labor. Japan and China had embraced the industrial revolution and Japan was focused on expansion. Japan followed the colonial model and developed their military to enforce expansion.  China was close and had land, raw materials and population.

The Great Depression in 1929 was the second blow to colonialism.  It ended exports and all countries focused on their own national economies.  Japanese culture had long admired their Samuri war lords and opted to focus on war production.

World War II was the third and final blow to colonialism as Europe focused on survival.

In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria. In 1937 Japan invaded Eastern China and occupied China until 1945.

Japan occupied Korea from 1910 until 1945, when it was divided between the US and the USSR.

The defeat of Japan in 1945, prompted the Chinese Civil War from 1945 to 1950. Communist forces won and established a Communist government in China in 1950. The Chinese National Government retreated to Taiwan.

In the 1970s, the US approached China to allow trade to replace war. Mao Zedung dies in 1976. Deng Xiaoping becomes Chairman in 1977. In 1979, China enforces the one child policy. In the 1980s, China improved its agricultural production. Deng Xiaoping dies in 1997 and is replaced by Jiang Zemin in 1997 Hu Jintao in 2003 and Xi Jinping in 2013.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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