Monday, May 20, 2019


Electricity runs everything. The implementation of this invention has done more to improve human existence than anything else we’ve accomplished. The electronics industry and electronics manufacturing need to be restored in the US.

The history of the development of electronics shows how many devices were needed and how long it took to accomplish.

1752 Franklin Electricity in Lightening
1785 Algebra
1800 Battery
1808 Dalton Atomic Theory
1816 Telegraph
1836 Transformer
1937 Relay
1844 Morse code
1862 Maxwell Electromagnetics Equations
1873 DC Generator
1877 Phonograph
1879 Incandescent Lamp
1888 Electromagnetic Waves
1890 Fuse
1895 X-Ray
1901 Fluorescent Lamp
1904 Diode
1905 Einstein Theory of Relativity
1908 Television
1915 Sonar
1919 AM Radio Receiver
1935 Electron Microscope
1936 Radar, Printed Circuit Board
1939 Klystron Tube, FM Radio Receiver
1941 Programmable Computer
1944 Color Picture Tube
1950 Bell Labs Modem
1952 Kay Digital Voltmeter
1953 Transistorized Computer
1956 Transcontinental Telephone Cable
1958 Integrated Circuit
1960 Laser
1961 Electronic Clock
1962 LEDs
1963 Electronic Calculator
1966 Fiber Optic Cable
1972 IBM ATM Machine
1973 Motorola Mobile Phone, Ethernet
1975 Digital Camera
1974 C Programming, HP Pocket Calculator
1977 Personal Computer
1981 IBM PC, MS Dos Software
1983 IBM Hard Drive
1989 GPS
1990 Intel 486 Processor- 33 mhz
1993 HAARP Weather Weapon1994 Intel Pentium Processor – 90 mhz


During the 242 years between 1752 and 1994, we experimented with electricity, proved theories, developed tools and expanded applications. This gave us the basis to move further to refine our inventions to address a vast number of applications. We are currently dealing with cyber security, software and robotics.  We need to return electronics manufacturing to the US.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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