Tuesday, May 28, 2019

EU Election Implications

In the 2019 EU Parliament Election, Conservative groups took 388 seats and Liberal groups took 363 seats.

In the 2014 EU Parliament Election, Conservative groups took 392 seats and Liberal groups took 358 seats.

The Conservative groups are anti-EU and threaten to exit. The Liberal groups are pro-EU socialists. The EU bureaucracy is intractable.

The EU is suffering from its mistakes like the UN global warming scam and the Muslim Invasion of Europe. In addition, the EU has imposed all UN initiated damage to the citizens of these countries at great cost.

Like all Marxists, the EU bureaucracy is braizen in its imposition of tyranny. The EU Bureaucracy looks like it was patterned after Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” and confusion reigns to cover up the lies and the larceny.

The EU was designed to remove sovereignty from European countries to form the Euro Region of the UN Global Socialist Government prescribed in UN Agenda 21 based on the climate change hoax.  National Parliaments are extra baggage carried to impose compliance with EU Laws on their own citizens.

European Christians confuse socialism with charity, but charity is freely given from person to person based on family relationship and proximity.  Socialism is based on seizing property and giving it to others. There is no charity in Socialism, only its ultimate collapse.

Europeans are paying for extra layers of government to fund their own destruction. Europe needs to dissolve the EU, quit the UN, shrink government and grow the private sector free market economy.

A new coalition will be needed. The battle for sovereignty continues.  There is a pro-EU vs anti-EU divide due to discontent with EU policies like Climate Change and the Muslim Refugee Invasion. GDP growth is low and citizens of EU countries are experiencing predictable economic difficulty. The UK voted to leave the EU in 2016. Poland, Hungary and Italy refused to take UN Refugees. All EU countries are deporting their Muslim refugees. France is tending anti-EU because of the Climate Change hoax.

The EU is giving the UK a hard time with their exit and the UK may opt for a hard exit. This is “theater” for the other EU countries to send the message that the price of exiting is high. The EU will punish defectors.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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