Friday, May 3, 2019

EU Parliament Elections

There are 751 seats up for election 5/23/19. Current seats are apportioned by country

730 seats are currently occupied by the following parties:

European People’s Party EPP 217
Party of European Socialists S&D 187
European Green Party Greens/EFA 52
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats ALDE 68
Party of the European Left GUE/NGL 52

European Conservatives and Reformists ECR 76
Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy FFD 41
Europe of Nations and Freedom ENF 37

Conservative groups currently hold 154 seats. Liberal/Socialist groups currently hold 576 seats.

The EU is a creature of the UN.  See UN Agenda 21. The EU is the European Region of the UN Global Government scam.  

EU overreach has voters in member countries ready for reform after decades of abuse by socialist politicians in the EU Parliament dictating the laws imposed on the citizens of their member countries.

European voters have allowed these socialist politicians to waste $billions on the global warming hoax and allow the Muslim invasion of Europe by dictating Muslim Refugee inclusion and open borders. The clean-up, economic recovery and deportation costs will add more $billions to the bill. Europeans are stuck with 20% VAT national sales taxes and redundant government costs. Europe has, again, elected the wrong politicians. This all comes at a time when the US is no longer happy to pay most of the cost for Europe’s defense.

European countries need to attend to their national economies and begin to reject the suicidal policies required by the EU in compliance with UN Agenda 21. Their GDP growth in in the 1-2% range and their taxes are unnecessary and oppressive. National Parliaments need to stop pretending that they actually have jobs to represent their citizens. They need to reassert their sovereignty, cut taxes, privatize government entities and embrace policies that will grow their private sector economies.

This will be a long slog. Socialist politicians are extremely destructive, obsessive about control and will protect their turf. If the UK simply quits and ignores the EU and is successful, other countries will follow.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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