Monday, May 20, 2019

Globalization Scam

The scam that got US companies to off-shore US manufacturing started long ago. It started in the kumbaya days of the 1960s, when the US wanted to buy the world a Coke. The message from the kids was that “stuff” didn’t make them happy. They preferred sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Foreign competitors were demanding that US companies locate their manufacturing plants in their countries in order to sell their goods to the locals. Foreign countries were planning to lower their corporate taxes and offer bribes to attract US companies. The US government was packed with “Internationalists” who promoted foreign aid with the promise of expanded exports.  It was a lie.

All economies are national.  The laws are controlled by national legislatures. Global trade wasn’t new; it started in 10,000 BC. Poor countries lacked the incomes to become reliable consumers. We were funding our potential competitors rather than using our resources to provide security by advancing our technology to serve productivity.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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