Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Iran is Toast

If Iran’s positive trade balance is turned into a deep trade deficit, it’s over. The first casualty will be terrorist funding.

The Nominal Per Capita GDP in Iran was $5,383 and unemployment was 11.8% reported in 2017. Inflation in 2018 was 40%. Interest rate 14.2%.  Poverty is 20%. Labor Force is 30.5 million. Population is 82.7 million.  Labor force participation is 37%. Land area is 636,400 square miles.

Government revenue was $61.95 billion, spending was $68.72 billion. Nominal GDP for 2019 is $333.6 billion. Debt to GDP is 40%. GDP growth was -3.6% in 2018. 60% of the economy is government controlled through central planning. 48% of exports are from state-owned oil. External debt was $7 billion. Ease of doing business is 120th.

Exports were $110.76 billion sold to China 27.5% and Turkey 11.1%. Those in jeopardy are India 15.1%, South Korea 11.4%, Italy 5.7% and Japan 5.3%; Iran is likely to lose these customers that now buy 37.5% of Iran’s exports.

Imports were $76.39 billion purchasing from UAE 27.4%, China 13.2%, Turkey 7.8% and Germany 4%. This includes raw materials and technical services.

If Iran loses 37.5% of its export business, exports could drop to $41.5 billion.

The government of Iran is balancing its budget on the backs of the citizens and squandering $billions on developing nuclear weapons, maintaining and expensive military and funding terrorists world-wide. Citizens are impoverished and unhappy, but like North Korea, they are required to suffer in silence.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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