Wednesday, May 15, 2019

US Economy 1970-2018

In 1970, the US economy was weakened by high taxes, big wasteful government, bad laws, 7% to 13% inflation, high interest rates, poor profit margins, poor manufacturing quality, high costs and no incentives. The top income tax rate was 70%.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected President. He cut taxes, cut government regulations, cut inflation, increased military spending and ended the cold war with the USSR. He set up the economy to grow for the next 20 years.

In 1988, George HW Bush was elected President. He increased taxes, approved more government regulations, signed on to UN Agenda 21 and set up the economy to decline.

In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected President. He passed the Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 that caused the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown and ordered UN Agenda 21 implementation based on the global warming hoax.

In 2000, George W Bush was elected President. He failed to prevent the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown, waged expensive wars in the Middle East and doubled the National Debt from $5 trillion to $10 trillion.

In 2008, Barack Obama was elected President. He was hired by George Soros to crash the US economy and impose UN Agenda 21 in the US. He passed Obamacare that quadrupled health insurance costs, added $1 trillion to the cost of government, threatened to increase energy costs by 500%, increased welfare migration by 60 million and doubled the National Debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion.

In 2016, Donald Trump became President. He was hired by the American Voters to restore the US economy. He restored US energy production, cut corporate taxes, cut unnecessary regulations, cut unnecessary spending, cut excessive immigration and is securing the border. He is imposing tariffs to restore manufacturing jobs and critical industries. GDP, household incomes and middle class jobs are growing. He is restoring the rule of law and the US Constitution (as written).

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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