Thursday, May 9, 2019

US Infrastructure and Debt

The US infrastructure priorities should be limited to oil and gas pipelines and the border wall. Giveaways to States and Municipalities for local infrastructure should end. States need to wean themselves off of Federal Grant funding and will also need to stop wasting tax dollars.

The US Federal Government is in debt and needs to cut federal spending. The Federal Government has no money to give to the States or Municipalities. The US Government National Debt is $22.26 trillion and growing. The annual Federal Deficit is $1 trillion and interest on the Debt is approaching $1 trillion a year.

Federal spending reductions should include defunding all welfare to immigrants to discourage welfare migration and non-profits to let them raise their own money. Grants to States should be put on a 5 year reduction schedule. Federal lands should be returned to the States. Lending should be privatized including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae. UN and NATO funding should continue to be reduced. The 2020 US Federal Budget should be balanced to halt the growth of the National Debt.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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