Thursday, May 23, 2019

US Trade Deficit by Country

The list of the 30 Top US Trading Partners shows Country, Exports, Imports, Total and Deficit or Surplus in Millions of US Dollars.  China shows the largest Deficit at $375 billion.
20 of the Top US Trading Partners show Trade Deficits. The US buys more from these countries than they buy from the US. 10 of the Top US Trading Partners shows a surplus where trading partners buy more from the US than they import to the US.
Ranking by Annual Deficit in Millions US dollar       
Top 20  Exports  Imports   Total    Deficit $ M

World  1,546,273  2,341,963  3,888,236  -795,690
EU        283,269     434,633     717,902   -151,363
 China        129,894   505,470    635,364  -375,576
Canada     282,265   299,319    581,584    -17,054
Mexico      243,314   314,267     557,581   -70,953
Japan          67,605  136,481    204,086     -68,876
Germany     53,897  117,575     171,472    -63,678
S Korea       48,326    71,444    119,770     -23,118
France         33,596    48,899      82,495     -15,303
India            25,689    48,603       74,292     -22,914
Italy              18,405    49,918      68,323    -31,513
Taiwan         25,730    42,462      68,192    -16,732
Switzerland  21,685     35,997     57,682    -14,312
Ireland          10,708    48,797      59,505    -38,089
Vietnam          8,133    46,488      54,621    -38,355
Malaysia       12,964    37,396      50,360    -24,432
Thailand       10,992     31,152     42,144    -20,160
Israel            12,550     21,945      34,495     -9,395
Colombia      13,312    13,557      26,869        -245
Spain            11,064    15,645      26,709      -4,581
Indonesia        6,864    20,209      25,240    -13,345
Russia            6,998    17,021      24,019     -10,023

Ranking by Annual Surplus $ M
Top 10    Exports   Imports   Total    Surplus $ M
UK               56,258     53,060   109,318    +3,198
Brazil           37,222     29,452     66,674    +7,770
Netherlands 41,510    17,785     59,295     +23,725 
Singapore     29,806   19,367     49,173     +10,439
Hong Kong   39,939     7,376     47,315     +32,563
Belgium        29,924   14,997     44,921     +14,927
Saudi Arabia18,881    16,348     35,229     +2,533
Australia       24,527    10,045     34,572     +14,482
UAE              20,020     4,269      24,289    +15,751
Chile             13,605   10,551      24,156     +3,054
 Top 30 $1,359,143  $2,046,186  $3,405,329 -$687,043


The most serious deficit the US has is with China. The US is imposing Tariffs on Chinese imports to pressure manufacturers to move their operations back to the US to restore the US economy. Tariffs will remove US companies from China to end China’s theft of US intellectual property. Tariffs should lower the US trade deficit with China from $375 billion to under $100 billion. US exports of oil, natural gas and coal and restoring US production to match US consumption should move the US trade deficit under $300 billion.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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