Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Communism Update

The playbook for Communist revolutions has been to pit the poor minimum wagers against the rich capitalists. This has worked if the poor outnumbered the rich and could vote in elections. A Communist take-over usually results in the confiscation of private property and redistribution to cronies and the establishment of a Communist one-party government with no private property rights and no tolerance for other opinions. Investment capital flees countries that adopt Communism, because they have no property rights and are subject to having their businesses seized by the government. The poor usually enjoy seeing this happen until they lose their jobs and become “really poor”. These revolutions begin to fail when the Communist Liberator becomes a Communist Dictator, who has complainers shot and jailed.

The US is experiencing the protest phase of its Communist Revolution that began in 2008 with the election of Barak Obama. This is a “free stuff” revolution. Armed with the global warming hoax and more socialism, the Democrat Party is united in their aim to destroy the US economy with socialist scams.

Preparation for this revolution began with the unconstitutional creation of Yellowstone National Park in 1872 without an Amendment being ratified by the States to expand federal “enumerated powers”.  It was advanced in 1913 with the unconstitutional abandonment of the “free market economy” and the creation of the Federal Reserve, the US Income Tax and Inheritance Tax.  It was advanced again in 1935 with the Roosevelt New Deal laws and the establishment of Social Security. It was advanced again in 1964 with the Johnson War on Poverty, Medicare, Medicaid and Civil Rights Act. It was advanced by Obama with Obamacare in 2009. US voters rejected Obama’s policies and elected Donald Trump in 2016.

The Communist Manifesto was published by Karl Marx in 1848, suggesting that poor populations could advance by voting to confiscate private property. World War I provided the political destabilization necessary for revolution and the Russian Communist Revolution began in 1917 and ended with the establishment of the USSR in 1921. Chinese Communists won their revolution in 1948. The USSR took over Eastern Europe after 1945. Some of these countries were absorbed by the USSR and others became “satellite countries”.

The promise is that the country will “belong” to the people, but it really belongs to the government leaders and bureaucrats and the people get poorer, because companies won’t invest there anymore and there are no jobs.

Communist Governments have failed when the same voting poor realize they are poorer under their Communist Government.  They employ the oppressive tactics used by the Dictatorships they replaced. The get no foreign investment, because companies don’t want their assets seized. Communist governments typically “nationalize” their industries and hyperinflate their currency. With no jobs, the poor get poorer and the cycle starts all over again.  Even many countries that were once Communist, saw the light and replaced their Communist governments with elected representatives don’t get much foreign investment.

To prevent counter-revolutions, Communist governments, like all dictatorships, suppress the populace with their military and police states. Criticism is not allowed.

All countries have a Communist Party or a Socialist Party, but these are usually sub-groups of Labor Parties or Liberal Parties. They are elected in many countries and currently dominate the EU and many African countries. The US remains the safe haven for property rights so far. Companies don’t want their assets seized and will avoid unstable countries. Companies will do business with unstable countries, if they need raw materials from these countries.

There are 5 countries with “one-party Communist governments in 2019.  These are China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba.

There are 14 countries where the Communist Party is in the “ruling coalition”. These are Bangladesh, Belarus, Czech Republic, Greece, Nepal, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, South Africa, Syria, Uruguay and Venezuela.

There are 16 countries where Communist Parties ruled, but are no longer a ruling party. These are Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, East Germany, Grenada, Hungary, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Soviet Union, Turkmenistan, South Yemen and Yugoslavia,

The countries that were seized by the USSR after 1945 get a pass and some guarantee property rights and are launching free market capitalist economies like Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Others are attempting to attract capital like Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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