Saturday, August 3, 2019

More China Tariffs

The US will place a 10% Tariff on an additional $300 billion in annual China Imports on 9/1/19. This would generate an additional annual $30 billion to the US Treasury.

The US already placed a 25% Tariff on $250 billion in China imports that took effect on 5/10/19. This would generate an additional annual $62.5 billion to the US Treasury

This will accelerate the movement of manufacturing jobs from China back to the US at a pace we will be able to handle.  It takes a while for a company to move and this tariff action will result in a steady flow of manufacturing jobs into 2020 and beyond.

The US may increase the tariffs up to 25% on this list of $300 billion based on our ability to handle the influx of jobs. This would generate $75 billion to the US Treasury.

Tariff revenue is intended to decline with each manufacturing facility that returns to the US. But the quickest way to restore the US economy is to keep the tariffs.

US companies need to move their manufacturing operations back to the US for goods sold in the US. These Tariffs should remain in place until the US trade deficit is reduced and the US economy is restored.

We will need a merit-based Immigration policy to accommodate job openings. We need to ensure that future H1b visas go to top US engineering school graduates sponsored directly by US-based employers. These H1b hires should be limited and not include foreign temps. We will need to severely limit all other work visas to make room for US citizens for jobs in manufacturing, construction and skilled trades. Retail jobs should be filled by US teenagers to ensure that they learn basic job skills and self-support.

We need to end illegal immigration and all legal immigration programs not based on merit. This includes anchor-babies, visa lottery, refugee programs, chain migration, immigrant temps and immigrant work permits. We need to increase deportations and end federal subsidies for immigrants.

Manufacturing plants should be located in rural cities and counties to restore rural economies. Seasonal agricultural work should be available to US citizen teenagers in rural counties.

The US Labor Force Participation rate rose to 63.0 in July 2019 and US Unemployment is 3.7%. We need 9 million more private sector manufacturing jobs to restore the US economy.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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