Thursday, July 20, 2023

US Federal Taxes & Spending 1930-2023

FY     Receipts Outlays Deficit/Surplus  GDP  President

1930     4.1B        3.3B                +0.7       98.4B  Hoover

1931     3.1B        3.6B      -0.5                  84.8B 

1932     1.9B        4.7B      -2.7                  68.5B

1933     2.0B        4.6B      -2.6                  58.3B Roosevelt

1934     3.0B        6.5B      -3.6                  62.0B

1935     3.6B        6.4B      -2.8                  70.5B 

1936     3.9B        8.2B      -4.3                  79.6B

1937     5.4B        7.6B      -2.2                  88.9B

1938     6.8B        6.8B      -0.1                  90.2B

1939     6.3B        9.1B      -2.8                  90.4B

1940     6.5B        9.5B      -2.9                  98.2B

1941     8.7B      13.7B      -4.9                116.2B WW2

1942   14.6B      35.1B    -20.5                147.7B

1943   24.0B      78.6B    -54.6                184.6B

1944   43.7B      91.3B    -47.6                213.5B

1945   45.2B      92.7B    -47.6                226.4B

1946   39.3B      55.2B    -15.9                228.0B

1947   38.5B      34.5B                 +4.0    238.9B  Truman

1948   41.6B      28.9B               +11.8    261.9B

1949   39.4B      38.8B                +0.6     276.5B

1950   39.4B      42.6B    -3.1                  278.7B  Korean War

1951   51.6B      45.5B    -6.1                  327.1B 

1952   66.2B      67.7B    -1.5                  357.1B

1953   69.6B      76.1B    -6.5                  382.1B Eisenhower

1954   69.7B      70.9B   -1.2                   387.2B

1955   65.5B      68.4B   -3.0                   406.3B

1956   74.6B      70.6B               +3.9      438.3B

1957   80.0B      76.6B               +3.4      463.4B  

1958   79.6B      82.4B   -2.8                   473.5B

1959   79.2B      92.1B  -12.8                  504.6B

1960   92.5B      92.2B               +0.3      534.3B

1961   94.4B      97.7B  -3.3                    546.6B Kennedy

1962   99.7B     106.8B -7.1                    585.7B

1963 106.6B     111.3B -4.8                    618.2B Johnson

1964 112.6B     118.5B -5.9                    661.7B Medicare

1965 116.8B     118.2B -1.4                    709.3B Vietnam

1966 130.8B     134.5B -3.7                    780.5B

1967 148.8B     157.5B -8.6                    836.5B

1968 153.0B     178.1B -25.2                  897.6B

1969 186.9B     183.6B           +3.2         980.3B Nixon

1970 192.8B     195.6B -2.8                  1.0467T

1971 187.1B     210.2B -23.0                1.1166T

1972 207.3B     230.7B -23.4                1.2163T

1973 230.8B     245.7B -14.9                1.3527T

1974 263.2B     269.4B -6.1                  1.4929T Ford

1975 279.1B     332.3B -53.2                1.6069T

1976 298.1B     371.8B -73.7                1.7861T

1977 355.6B     409.2B -53.7                2.0243T Carter

1978 399.6B     458.7B -59.2                2.2735T

1979 463.3B     504.0B -40.7                2.5656T

1980 517.1B     590.9B -73.8               2.7919T

1981 599.3B     678.2B -79.0               3.1332T Reagan

1982 617.8B     745.7B -128.0             3.3134T

1983 600.6B     808.4B -207.8             3.5360T

1984 666.4B     851.8B -185.4             3.9492T

1985 734.0B     946.3B -212.3             4.2651T

1986 769.2B     990.4B -221.2             4.5263T tax cuts

1987 854.3B   1.0040T -149.7             4.7677T

1988 909.2B   1.0644T -155.2             5.1386T

1989 991.1B   1.1437T -152.6             5.5547T Bush I

1990 1.0320T 1.2530T -221.0             5.8988T

1991 1.0550T 1.3242T -269.2             6.0932T

1992 1.0912T 1.3815T -290.3             6.4163T

1993 1.1543T 1.4094T -255.1             6.7753T Clinton

1994 1.2586T 1.4618T -203.2             7.1769T

1995 1.3518T 1.5157T -164.0             7.5604T

1996 1.4531T 1.5605T -107.4             7.9513T

1997 1.5792T 1.6011T -21.9               8.4510T

1998 1.7217T 1.6525T -69.3               8.9309T

1999 1.8275T 1.7018T-125.6              9.4794T

2000 2.0252T 1.7890T-236.2            10.1175T

2001 1.9911T 1.8628T-128.2            10.5265T Bush 2

2002 1.8531T 2.0109T-157.8            10.8337T

2003 1.7823T 2.1599T-377.6            11.2838T

2004 1.8801T 2.2928T-412.7            12.0255T

2005 2.1536T 2.4720T-318.3            12.8342T

2006 2.4069T 2.6551T-248.2            13.6384T

2007 2.5680T 2.7287T-160.7            14.2908T

2008 2.5240T 2.9825T-456.6            14.7433T

2009 2.1050T 3.5177T-1412.7          14.4318T Obama

2010 2.1627T 3.4571T-1457.1          14.8389T

2011 2.3035T 3.6031T-1299.6          15.4037T

2012 2.4500T 3.5266T-1076.6          16.0565T

2013 2.7751T 3.4549T -679.8           16.6038T

2014 3.0215T 3.5063T -484.8           17.3356T

2015 3.2499T 3.6919T -442.0           18.1061T

2016 3.2680T 3.8526T -584.7           18.5817T

2017 3.3162T 3.9816T -665.4           19.3166T Trump

2018 3.3299T 4.1090T -779.1           20.3689T

2019 3.4634T 4.4470T -983.6           21.2239T covid19

2020 3.4212T 6.5504T-3129.2          20.9997T

2021 3.5808T 7.2495T-3668.7          22.0300T Biden

2022 4.1742T 6.0111T-1837.0          23.4997T

2023 4.6410T 6.0130T-1371.9          24.5633T est

2024 4.8278T 6.1868T-1359.0          25.5365T est


GDP is rising by $1 trillion a year because of federal government overspending. Revenues are down, so this unnecessary spending on climate change results in trillion dollar increases on the US National Debt.

The US Congress routinely spends more than it takes in taxes. This results in inflation and debt. In 1913, a loaf of bread was 2 cents and wages were $1 a day. In 1966, a gallon of galoline was 20 cents and a good family income was $10,000 per year.

In 1941, the US ran deficits from WW2 war expenses. In 1946,1947 and 1949 the US ran surpluses because Europe  was rebuilding their factories.

In addition to federal taxes being received and counted as Receipts, congress spends the Social Security taxes received in real-time. Finally, when congress appropriates more than they have access to, congress spends more and that amount is charged to the National Debt, now approaching $33Trillion.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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