Sunday, December 3, 2023

Republican Hostages 12/3/23

Conservatives have been taken hostage by Democrats for decades. Democrats always vote as a block. They rationalize this by claiming that voters elected them to support Democrat Party wishes. They practice “machine politics” and enlist unions, government employees and Marxist activist groups to drive their uninformed neighbors to register and show up to vote Democrat. It’s a peer pressure game. They pack election offices with Democrats.  They raise outside money to overwhelm elections with TV ads. They use non-profit groups to launder Soros money. They pay “protestors” to riot.  Black pastors incite anger. Democrats promise “free stuff” to bribe the poor into voting for them. These promises are seldom fulfilled. Democrats control the media, the federal bureaucracy and schools. Democrats are expected to base their 2024 campaign on abortion to try to hang on to women voters and hope they ignore our miserable economy.

Republicans are split. They have Conservatives and RINOs. They do not vote as a block. They have not focused on building “machine politics”. They have blue-collar voters but not union leaders.  

RINOs are Republicans in Name Only. They often vote with the Democrats. George HW Bush, George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney were RINOs. Trump broke the mold. He promised and delivered on issues Republicans and Voters wanted, but could never deliver. That drove the Democrats and RINOs crazy.

Big spending Democrats and RINOs have held small government Republicans hostage for decades.

The Democrats insist on piling all spending on to Omnibus Bills. They ignore Republican attempts to return to “regular order” where Bills are voted on and passed in separate Bills. If Democrats hold the House or the Senate, they will not vote for separate Bills. Democrats use the “government shutdown” ruse as another weapon. Democrats will blame Republicans for shutdowns when they don’t get everything they want.  I called RINOs “demopublicans” for years. They would campaign as conservatives and vote like Democrats. It was a one-party system. They bragged about being collegial and wasted $trillions. Democrats use the “bandwagon” stunt to convince Republicans that they need to allow Democrats to pass anything they want. It’s a bumbs rush to vote on Bills they had no time to read or face redicule and slander.

When Trump entered office in 2017, Democrats began their attack with fraudulent “Russian collusion” accusations and continued to attack. Trump is their worst nightmare. He posed a existential threat to their plan to “fundamentally transform” the US into a Region under a Communist Global Government outlined in UN Agenda 21. In 2016, Trump won the House, Senate and the Whitehouse. The Democrats promised more healthcare and abortion and took the House in 2018. This limited Trump’s agenda, but he was able to unleash energy production, build a wall, close the southern border, rebuild the military and produce peace and prosperity.

In the 1980s Reagan dodged the horse-trading bullet by growing the economy. Reagan knew that the electronics revolution was underway and Russia was broke. Reagan knew that lowering taxes would increase revenue. He rebuilt the US Military and ended the Soviet Union.

In 2016, Trump knew that they key to US peace and prosperity was energy independence. He also had to rebuild the US Military and build a border wall. With control of the Senate Trump was able to appoint Conservative Judges and have them approved. The Conservative Supreme Court Judges reversed Roe v Wade and returned abortion law rightfully to the States. Trump lowered taxes, removed unnecessary regulations and created the strongest economy ever seen in the US.

In 2020, Democrats elected Biden, the worst President in US history. He resurrected the Climate Change hoax, wasted $trillions on Chinese wind and solar, subsidized and mandated unwanted electric vehicles, restored Iran to fund terrorists. overspent, created inflation, bungled the Afghan withdrawal and  created wars in Ukraine and Israel through weakness,

30% of US voters believe the 2020 election was fraudulent.

Republicans control 22 State Legislatures. Democrats control 17 State Legislatures, 11 State Legislatures are split.

If US voters focus on the economy in 2024, Republicans could regain control of the Whitehouse, Senate and House.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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