Thursday, May 16, 2024

Argentina Economy 5-16-24

Nominal GDP $621.833B, Per capita GDP $13,297, Population 45,376,763, Debt to GDP 154.54%.

Average Wage $5,100, Inflation 20.4% Unemployment 6.8%. Exports $19.6B, Imports $9.6B, Trade Surplus 10B. Land area 1,073,500 sq miles, Urban 92.5% Rural 7.5%. Arable land is 15.35%. 

Exports corn, wheat, and soybean production and exports in 2023. Corn and wheat are Argentina's most important crops in terms of volume, with a combined production of 1,946 million tons in the 2022/23 season, an increase of 65% over the last two decades.

Imports and Values: Vehicles ($13.2 billion—19.8% of their total imports) Machinery ($9.9 billion—14.9% of their total imports) Electrical equipment ($8.6 billion—12.9% of their total imports)


Argentina has elected too many Presidents who promised “free stuff”. The government has overspent and printed money to cause inflation for too long. Their 154% Debt to GDP is excessive and needs to be reduced. They need to cut government spending, lower taxes on Exports and grow their way out of this.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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