Thursday, May 23, 2024

Communist Countries 5-23-24

The obvious disadvantage of a Communist Economy is that it doesn’t allow for Generational Wealth to occur and incentives to work and produce are eventually diminished and brought to a halt. 

Incentives are required. In the 1970s, we heard jokes coming from Soviet Russia. They had missed every agricultural goal set by Central Planners and were not producing enough food. The same was true with other goals set by Central Planners that were aimed at manufacturing goods. The Russians said: “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us”. The only things Russians accomplished were military and space-based and Olympic athleticism. The teams who succeeded were insulated from the other workers. They were selected carefully, paid better and treated with more respect.

The restructuring of Russia from a Communist Country to a Republic has resulted in economic growth and self-sufficiency. They manufacture their own goods and the quality of these goods has improved. They produce what they consume.

History gives us some insight to human behavior and motivation. The first British Colony in North America in the 1600s began as a commune. Colonists were expected to farm on the plot of land owned by Britain and were expected to produce food for the group. They failed, because there was no incentive to benefit their families. Eventually, they allowed families to keep enough food for themselves to survive. This changed everything. Families finally had the incentives they needed to increase production. They suffered from diseases and died out, but the model was set that led to success. The big incentive of land ownership soon followed. This was strong enough to motivate colonists to endure attacks from neighboring tribes of American Indians and still struggle to increase production. Before long these farmers were producing enough to sell their crops. They were able to buy tools they used to help them increase production. This story of families struggling to become self-sufficient reveals basic elements of human behavior.

Human Motivation is powerful enough to set a country on the path to prosperity.

Current Communist countries like Cuba and Venezuela show the difficulty countries have when they embrace ideologies that are not aligned with human nature. The same is true for countries ruled by Dictators, Religious Idealogues and Single Party countries.

Other Communist countries like China and Viet Nam continue to pursue trade, but China is seeing an exodus of US companies.

North Korea is a Communist total monarchy. The population will continue to be abused.

Communist revolutions in South America in the 1970s have been replaced by Drug Cartels. Africa’s problems came more from the Boko Haram Muslims taking over rural areas. In the US and Europe, Communists are masquerading as Democrats and Climate Change advocates, but voters would rather increase oil and natural gas supplies to stop inflation.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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