Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Mexico Economy 5-15-24

Mexico is a Drug Cartel infested country. 

Nominal GDP $1.811468T, Per capita GDP $13,804, Population 127,792,286 Debt to GDP 53.09%.

Average Wage $8,700, Inflation 20.4%, Unemployment 3%, Exports $577.7B, Imports $604.6B, Trade Deficit $26.9B. Land area 761,610 sq miles. Urban 81.3% Rural 18.7%. Arable land is 10.33%.

Exports Of the $593B in exports during 2023, manufactured goods represented 89.2%, followed by oil and gas exports, which only accounted for 5.6% of the total, similar to agricultural exports (3.7%). Mar 14, 2024.  About four-fifths of Mexico's petroleum is exported to the United States, which relies heavily on Mexico as one of its principal sources of oil. GM, Ford, Nissan, VW and Toyota have plants in Mexico. Auto parts are exported from Mexico to the US.

Imports include machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, and consumer goods.


The US needs to seal the Mexican border and end all Drug Cartel operations. We also need to deport all illegals who have entered the US since 2021 and process their Asylum requests and hearings from our US Embassies and Consulates in their home countries. We will also need to tariff and ban all Chinese EVs from the US market.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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