Wednesday, May 8, 2024

US Protest Scam 5-8-24

Violent Protests are funded by Democrat, Marxist Non-Profits who receive contributions from Democrat Billionaires like Soros. These protestors are paid to show up and raise hell. Obama formed a group of 30,000 protestors who can respond to planned protests with a 1-day notice. Their airfare and hotel registration and travel money is covered by the Non-Profits. I suspect that Antifa and the Marxist organizers at the George Floyd BLM riots in the summer of 2020 were similarly funded.  The December 6, 2020 vandalism at the Capitol looks more like a Democrat set-up. This is our Bolshevik revolution. Now the Bolsheviks are the Democrats and the Mensheviks are the Republicans. 

These protests are currently destroying the reputations of Harvard, Columbia and other Ivy League colleges at a time when the value of their $80,000 to $90,000 costs are in question.

Room and Board costs range from $16,000 to $25,000. Total costs include Tuition, Fees and Room and Board.

Ivy League College Total Costs in 2024

Columbia University.      $85,967

Harvard University.        $88,400

Dartmouth College.       $87,793

Yale University.             $87,705

University of Pennsylvania  $89,028

Cornell University.        $88,420

Princeton University     $83,140

2023-2024 Hillsdale College total $37,280 Tuition $30,780. Room and Board $6,500. Hillsdale is in Michigan and refuses to accept government funding.

Colleges can have “free speech”, but it needs to be reserved for current faculty and registered students only. These colleges need to stop funding radical student groups and allow assimilation to occur.  The free speech scam began in the 1960s and was funded and implemented by American Marxists to shut down conservative speech. Colleges should replace protests with debates between Socialist Marxists touting DEI and Free Market Conservatives touting Meritocracy.

Colleges need to identify all protestors who are not students and expose where they actually live. It’s time to follow the money. If airline tickets and hotel bills tie to these paid protesters we may get some action.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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