Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cameroon Problems 6-12-24

Officials on Cameroon's northern border with Nigeria say Boko Haram militants in the past week destroyed hundreds of homes in large-scale attacks that killed at least six villagers and two soldiers, and left thousands homeless. Cameroon's government says troops retaliated Wednesday morning and killed at least 12 militants. 

Officials in Cameroon’s Mayo-Moskota district, on the border with Nigeria’s Borno state, say hundreds of Boko Haram fighters launched deadly attacks on villages over the past five days. Cameroon’s military says six civilians and two government troops were killed in the attacks and the militants stole two military jeeps and some ammunition.

Guedjeo Salomon is Cameroon’s official in charge of agriculture in Mayo-Moskota, where he spoke by phone Wednesday to VOA. He says the militants looted markets, ranches, farms, and shops and sent villagers fleeing for safety. Salomon says thousands of civilians are hiding in the bush on the border with Nigeria and neighboring towns, including Mokolo, Moskuta and Koza. He says on Monday the militants destroyed close to 400 shops and houses.

"They militants crossed the border to Nigeria with stolen loot, including about 200 cows, more than 250 goats and sheep, and one hundred motorcycles," he added. Salomon says Cameroon’s military chased the militants back across Nigeria’s border into Borno state, the birthplace of Boko Haram.

Boko Haram opposes the Westernization of Nigerian society, which it blames for "Nigeria's culture of corruption", and demands the establishment of an Islamic state in Nigeria. It developed into a jihadist group in 2009.


The failure of African countries to identify, control and eradicate Islamic Terror organizations will allow instability to ruin their already abysmal economies. Freedom of religion needs to end with radical Islam. It is not a religion worth defending. It is a terror cartel that needs to be eliminated. Defunding Iran is a good start.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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