Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ghana Economy 6-8-24

Nominal GDP $76.628B, Per capita GDP $2,328.97, Population 34,121,985, Debt to GDP 71.1%, Inflation 20.4%, Unemployment 3.56%, Labor force participation men 72.4%, women 65.3%, Land area 92,098 sq miles, Agricultural land 57%, Urban 58%, Rural 42%. Exports $16.6B, Imports $14B, Trade Surplus $2.6B.

Exports include Gold ($9.53B), Crude Petroleum ($5.21B), Cocoa Beans ($1.08B), Coconuts, Brazil Nuts, and Cashews ($501M), and Cocoa Paste.

Imports include Refined Petroleum ($1.79B), Coated Flat-Rolled Iron ($410M), Cars ($358M), Rice ($318M), and Special Purpose Ships ($314M).

Ghana is in debt distress and public debt is unsustainable. In response, the Government has embarked on a comprehensive debt restructuring, a significant fiscal consolidation program, and the implementation of reforms to foster economic stability and resilience.

Most villages and towns in Ghana today lack good drinking water, hospitals, basic sanitation ( lack of basic sanitation remains a major problem even in Accra the capital), quality education, etc. The northern parts of Ghana, unlike the rest of the country, get very unpredictable levels of rainfall in a year.


Thanks to gold mining and crude oil exports Ghana has a $2.6B Trade Surplus. Thanks to a lower than average population, Ghana has a higher than average Per capita GDP. Banks are active in reducing the higher than average 71% Debt-to-GDP.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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