Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Guinea Economy 6-18-24

Nominal GDP $23.205B, Per capita GDP $1,542.76, Population 14,190,612, Debt to GDP 35.5%. Inflation 20.4% Unemployment 5.4%, Labor force participation rate 62.6%, Land area 94,926 sq miles, Arable land 59.57%, Urban 37.67% Rural 62.33%, Exports $10.4B, Imports $6.11B Trade Surplus $4.29B.

Exports The top exports of Guinea are Gold ($5.23B), Aluminum Ore ($4.65B), Coconuts, Brazil Nuts, and Cashews ($99.6M), Cocoa Beans ($71.6M).

Guinea is a leading exporter of bauxite and holds the mineral's largest reserve in the world. Other exports include iron, gold, diamonds, oil and coffee. Main export partners are: Spain, Russia, India, United States and Chile.

Guinea's main imports are: fuels, capital equipment, apparel and foodstuffs. Guinea's main import partners are: China, Netherlands and United States.

The 43.7% poverty rate is alarming, and 21.8 percent of households are food insecure. Malnutrition remains high: 6.1% of children under 5 are affected by global acute malnutrition, 24.4 percent are stunted and 12 percent are underweight. Rural populations are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity.

Guinea has a low 35.3% Debt to GDP and a $4.29B Trade Surplus due to Gold and Aluminum ore exports.

The government of Guinea will need help to remove Al-Qaida terrorists and stabilize its rural areas to produce food.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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