Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rwanda Economy 6/29/24

Nominal GDP $13.927B, Per capita GDP $1,031.69, Population 14,094,683, Debt to GDP 63.3%, Inflation 16.8%, Unemployment 14.95%, Labor force participation rate 39.89%, Land area 10,169 sq miles. Arable land 4.43%, Exports $1.77B, Imports $4.32B, Trade Deficit $2.55B.

The top exports of Rwanda are Gold ($542M), Tin Ores ($124M), Coffee ($112M), Malt Extract ($86.9M), and Niobium, Tantalum, Vanadium and Zirconium Ore ($83.4M), exporting mostly to United Arab Emirates ($568M), Democratic Republic of the Congo ($450M), Thailand ($83.9M), United States ($61.7M), and Ethiopia ($55.2M).

The top imports of Rwanda are Refined Petroleum ($593M), Gold ($404M), Palm Oil ($124M), Rice ($112M), and Raw Sugar ($107M), importing mostly from China ($808M), Tanzania ($474M), Kenya ($439M), United Arab Emirates ($416M), and India ($309M).

Rwanda's public-sector-led development model has shown its limitations, with public debt increasing significantly in recent years. The country's heavy reliance on large public investments (at 13% of GDP in 2019) has led to substantial fiscal deficits, financed through external borrowing.

Since 1959 Rwanda's political and social instability has had serious economic repercussions. Intense demographic pressure, the shortage of arable land, and lack of access to the Indian Ocean have been three critical problems in Rwanda's economic development.

Rwanda’s $2.55B Trade Deficit needs to be reduced.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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