Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tunisia Economy 6-11-24

Nominal GDP $51.271B, Per capita GDP $4,190.60, Population 12,458,223, Debt to GDP 79.0%, Inflation 16.8%, Unemployment 17.72%, Labor force participation 28.85%, Land area 63,170 sq miles, Arable land 66%, Urban 70%, Rural 30%, Exports $21.6B, Imports $32.4B, Trade Deficit 10.8%.

Main industries are petroleum, mining (particularly phosphate, iron ore), tourism, textile, footwear, agriculture, beverages, olive oil.  Tunisia's economic growth historically has depended on oil, phosphates, agri-food products, car parts manufacturing, and tourism.

Exports include textiles and leather products, electrical machinery, and crude and refined petroleum.

Exports % are electrical machinery and equipment (26.9%), clothing (15.5%), mineral fuel and oil products (6%), and animal or vegetable oil and fats (4.9%)

Imports include consumer products, raw materials, machinery and electrical equipment, and food products.

The principal commodities are citrus fruits, olive oil, grapes, tomatoes, melons, figs and dates. 69-83% of the food energy consumed in Tunisia comes from crops that are not native to the region.

The food-processing sector's demand for imported high-value ingredients is steadily increasing, with more sophisticated products licensed by multinational food companies. Cereals and cereal products, oilseeds, vegetable oils, and sugar derivatives account on average for 90% of Tunisia's food imports.

Foreign debt has soared, approaching 90 per cent of Tunisia's GDP in 2022. The main economic indicators remain alarming. Over the past ten years, political instability and increased spending to the detriment of investment slowed economic growth.


Tunisia should be producing its own food to reduce imports. Arable Land is 66%.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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