Friday, July 19, 2024

Africa Summary 7-19-24

Africa will have low income and high government turnover problems until the citizens find a way to be free to provide their own food, shelter, clean water, sanitation and irrigation for themselves. Most water comes from wells and can be cleaned with chlorine. Sanitation can be achieved with septic tanks. Africa lacks a strong private sector economy and governments are consumed by the need to increase exports and decrease imports. They are dependent on export customers to be able to continue to operate on borrowed money. They are perfect victims for Terrorists and Communists. 

The economic advice given by the IMF and World Bank needs to be followed. This includes lowering Debt to GDP, increasing Exports, limiting Imports and maintaining a Trade Surplus. Bankers need to base their support on the credit-worthiness of these countries and their ability to manage their economies and to avoid inflation caused by money-printing.

Most African countries are democracies and are vulnerable to destabilization unless governments communicate their need to maintain a balance to maintain stability. Citizens need to be involved in their own survival and need to be aware of the government’s priorities.

Governments are responsible for following the Banker’s rules and for maintaining and growing their Export customer base. Citizens should support these goals if they ever want to achieve economic stability. Governments are also responsible for mitigating starvation and illness. There has been a lot of attention paid to mitigating starvation and illness, but no cohesive plan to end these.

The international medical community is established to treat Africans and the international religious community has provided schools and financial aid to dig wells and provide clean water and sanitation.

There has been a history of neglect by governments of citizens of African countries since the 1880s. The goal of the colonial period was to secure raw materials produced from harvesting and mining and this accounts for most of the African GDP today. On the Village level, there is some support for African citizens with food and medical care.

The enemy of stability is chaos. This chaos includes wars and insurrections, caused by Terrorists, Marxists and political opponents. Too many African countries are vulnerable to the chaos caused by the influx of refugees fleeing neighboring countries.

Africa is the poorest Continent on the planet. Its Nominal GDP is the lowest at $3.145 trillion. Its Population is the highest at 1,488,799,225. Most jobs available require manual labor and African citizens are eager to do this work every day to survive. Productivity will increase where equipment is used, but that requires Capital that has to come from the companies who extract this raw material. These companies have begun to form a Private Sector. Solving the irrigation problems to handle droughts will allow more African workers to produce more food. Mechanization increases Productivity.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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