Thursday, July 11, 2024

Earth Components 7-11-24

The Earth has a molten core with internal temperature as hot as the Sun at 10,800 degrees F. The core rotates and produces an electromagnetic field around the earth that protects it from Solar eruptions and allows the Earth to maintain an Oxygen Atmosphere. The Earth has a layer of Ozone that protects it from Solar Ultraviolet Rays. The Earth has Tectonic Plates that move and shift the Continents.  The Tectonic Plates cause earthquakes and tsunamis and are monitored by using seismographs.  71% of the Earth is covered in water.  Water evaporates and clouds form to carry moisture to produce rain consisting of pure water.  Oceans contain vents that allow volcanic magma and gasses to escape. The Earth rotates around the Sun in Elliptical Orbit that creates the Warm and Cool Seasons. We experience hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts. We have forest land that can be ignited by lightning strikes. 

No other planets have been discovered with these characteristics. We have adapted to these conditions and the dangers posed by weather events. We have radar to track storms and seismographs to warn us of earthquakes. We are free to live on fault lines and ocean fronts and near forests or not.

Climate Change appears to be a Hoax. CO2 is plant food. Trees and plants absorb CO2 and emit Oxygen.

Global Warming periods have been less dangerous to Humans than Ice Ages. Air Conditioning allows us to survive warm weather, but AC depends on reliable electricity available using Natural Gas. Europe has already taken Natural Gas off the Fossil Fuel list.

Scientists have already shifted to new theories suggesting that the Atlantic Ocean Currents that carry Warm Sea Water from the South to the North and could stop working as the Atlantic Ocean heats up. This Ocean Current then sends cold water South. The cold water keeps the Atlantic Ocean from warming too much. They predict that this will cause an Ice Age in the North and El Ninyo will create warming in the South.

Our current experience with Weather suggests that these Scientists are continuing to predict catastrophes to ensure the funding of their research. The last Little Ice Age was in 1600 and there was a Mini Ice Age in 1776. El Ninyo is a recent Pacific Ocean phenomenon that moves warm Ocean Water away from South America and allows colder deep-sea water to surface. El Ninyo has been studied since 2000, but its effects have not been noticeable.

Over the past 200 years we have seen fluctuations in temperatures that have not been catastrophic. We have also seen fluctuations in storm intensity that seem to be contained in a range we can manage. We will continue to be skeptical until these wild theories can be proven. We are not anxious to increase our Electric Bills and ruin our Economies based on unproven theories.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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