Monday, July 29, 2024

Fixing the US Constitution 7-29-24

Biden is suggesting that the Supreme Court needs to increase the number of its Judges, so he can select Liberal Judges to be confirmed by the Democrat Senate, but the Supreme Court is a separate and equal branch and has the legal right to ignore Biden’s request. 

The appointment of Originalists on the Supreme Court has allowed the Court to focus on original intent.

The Court recognizes that relying on Case Law creates too many errors. The Court was originally designed to be a referee, not a Legislature. The Constitution appoints the Legislature as the only Branch authorized to make law. The Constitution requires using Amendments and requires the House and Senate to agree. The President also has to agree with the Law and the Process. The President then signs the Bill into Law.

The Legislature has failed to follow the Constitution by ignoring Amendments required to expand Federal Powers when these Amendments wouldn’t be ratified by the States. This includes the Amendment required to establish National Parks and Federal Land that is now 30% or the US landmass. In 1913, the States didn’t have the money and were happy to have the Federal Government establish these Parks. Now, these same States are not allowed to drill oil, mine ore, prevent forest fires or fix roads. If Congress passed an Amendment to allow the Federal Government to keep this land it would fail and the Parks would become State Property. The Department of Interior would keep the desert and the Military would continue to use it. States would be able to sell useable land and grow their GDP and populations.

Congress creates Agencies and they should close the Department of Education and recognize that this is not a Federal Power and belongs to the States under the 10th Amendment. There are other Federal Agencies that cause more trouble than they are worth. The EPA should be sent to the States as well as other dysfunctional agencies. These agencies have failed at the Federal level.

Congress needs to take a close look at the Federal Powers section of the Constitution and ensure that it is amended to become accurate and ratified. Congress and the Court have reacted to various crises with band aids over time and need to restore Constitutional control.  They tied a rag around their leaky pipes when they should have replaced the pipes.

Left-wing Democrats will go nuts when this happens. Their march to destroy the Constitution will be ended. We the voters have been funding our own demise. We need to remove unconstitutional Federal Powers and send them to the States. We need to use AI software to handle national data accumulation. We need independent entities like UL to test and certify products. We need to automate government work. We need to break up the DOJ and Homeland Security. We need to reduce foreign aid and remove bribery from diplomacy. We may need to have the FBI and CIA report to a new Cabinet Secretary. We may need to have the DOJ closer to the Supreme Court. We may need to remove tax breaks as we lower corporate taxes to simplify the Internal Revenue Code. We certainly need to determine if the UN is worth supporting. We need to ensure that only US citizens are allowed to vote.

We need to take the money out of politics and put the voters in charge. States should stop outside money from being used for campaign contributions. Campaign contributions should be limited to Voters Only. This would remove the high cost of TV ads that feed on liable and slander. States should require that candidates post their positions on issues on their websites before they are allowed to file for elections as candidates. Contributions by voters should be limited to only include candidates who appear on their ballots. Contributions should be limited to $1000. Candidates should be allowed to fund their own campaigns and deduct their expenses from their taxes. Special Interest groups can have their own websites to promote their positions on issues.  

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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