Tuesday, July 2, 2024

History Repeats Itself 7-2-24

Human Nature remains consistent. We are all mammals doing the best we can. Our instincts are consistent with other mammals. We need food, water and rest. We are driven to procreate and produce offspring. We are autonomous chemical factories with the same internal organs. We are able to heal ourselves and overcome injuries. But we appear to be smarter than other mammals. We are as unique as our DNA. To succeed, we need to discover our skills and interests. We are responsible for providing food and shelter for ourselves.

How we deal with problem people vacillates.  Criminal populations have been managed creatively for centuries to cut costs. This included criminals who have been convicted of violent crimes, but also included prisoners of war, who were sold as slaves.  Banishment may solve the immediate problem, but may result in creating an enemy later.  Abraham banished Hagar and Ishmael whose descendants created Islam as an enemy of Israel.  Some leaders of Empires like Alexander the Great ended up winning over his conquered people by allowing them to keep their religions and cultures. Empires tend to dissolve after their founder’s death. This happened to Alexander, Attila and others.

In 1788, Britain established a penal colony in Australia to off-load the costs of its debtor’s prisons. This allowed these families to pay off their debts by working on farms for 5 years. After that, they learned farming and saved their money to buy farms and become self-sufficient. This was a brilliant move.

History tends to cycle and repeat itself. Some Empires implode when they run out of money. This happened to the Roman Empire in 400AD and it happened to the USSR in 1989. This series of articles concentrates on the economies of nations and our struggle to preserve these economies.

In 1945, Israel became a country and unfriendly Muslim Arab states emptied their prisons and insane asylums, put them on buses and sent them to the UN Refugee Camp in Palestine. These problem people became the citizens of Palestine. Their school curriculum included the hatred of Jews. The rest is history.

The US has meandered into disastrous policies dealing with addiction and homelessness. These policies are ruining our big cities by allowing the homeless to set up camps on the streets. This results in serious problems for businesses located in these areas. 100 years ago, hobos were allowed to camp by the railroad tracks. They had been banished by their families because of alcohol addiction.

Biden opened the US Border in 2021 and allowed 12 million illegal migrants into the US. This needs to end and these illegals need to be deported. We should also end our “Amnesty” programs and restrict immigration to merit using tighter controls.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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