Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Joe Biden Problems 7-16-24

In my 7-12-24 post on US 2024 Elections, I included my assessment of Joe Biden’s background as follows:

Joe Biden was born in 1942 in Scranton Pennsylvania. The family moved to Delaware in 1953. 

He graduated with a BS degree from the University of Delaware in 1965. He graduated with a Law Degree from Scranton University ranked 76th in his class of 85 in 1968. He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969 and practiced as a defense attorney before running for full-time political office.  

He began his political life in 1971 when he was elected to a City Counsel job in Delaware. He was then elected to be a US Senator in 1973 and served as a US Senator from 1973 to 2009. Biden was elected Vice President in 2009 and served until 2017.  He didn’t serve in elective office from 2017 to 2020. He was then elected President in 2020 and will complete his first term in 2024. He is up for reelection in 2024.

He entered the US Senate in 1973 during Nixon’s second term. He was perceived as likable, but not very smart. The US Congress in 1973 voted for whatever their big campaign contributors wanted. They engaged in “horse trading” with each other. The power and size of the Federal Government was growing. In this environment, Biden was known as a “player”.

He continued to be reelected to his US Senate Seat for 36 years or 6 terms until he became Vice President in the Obama administration in 2009. Obama warned us in 2020 that he had bad judgment. The Far-Left had taken control of the Democrat Party and Biden made a deal with them to implement Bernie Sander’s policies. He was elected President in 2020. We have witnessed Biden’s bad judgment over the past 3.5 years.

Politicians like Biden were popular with other politicians, because they would “play ball” and “horse trade” their votes to keep the big campaign contributions coming. This behavior is not appropriate in any job that requires good judgment. Biden’s demise began with his policies on open borders, oil production restrictions, allowing Iran to fund terrorism and continue their nuclear bomb program. He thought his “nice guy” skills would work on Iran, China and Russia. Now he should know that being soft on these countries results in encouraging their misbehavior. His mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal demonstrated his lack of judgment.

Biden’s inconsistent behavior is rooted to his reliance on his “nice guy” skills and he “looses it” when he is under pressure. As a lawyer, he learned “Deny, deny, deny” as his strategy and that no longer works. He is not able to defend his policies. He performed poorly in the Debate with Trump, but performed well during the NATO meeting.  NATO didn’t object to Biden’s policies, so Biden didn’t go into “pressure mode”.

Democrat Voters are leaving the Party. Their allegiance dissolved with the open borders illegal invasion, inflation and the pro-Hamas demonstrations. 

I believe that his personality and his life experiences have brought him to this point. His age may have something to do with his gate and his stubbornness. He may be approaching full-blown age-related dementia.

The solution to our problems is to elect Trump, who has proven that he has good judgment and has announced his recovery plan.

In this post I am continuing my assessment. Biden’s performance in his 7-11-24 “ Press Conference”, following his NATO meeting suggests that Biden can function in a press conference without a teleprompter if the questions are rigged to avoid Biden’s track record. This allows Biden to avoid defending his disastrous decisions and take credit for what he considers to be his “accomplishments”.

All of these “accomplishments” were focused on his role as the “Leader of the Free World”. I doubt that the “accomplishments” could be credited to his intervention. Most of his detailed list of “things he had to do” sounded full of “spin”. I don’t recall hearing about these “international” activities as they occurred. I do recall him sending his Cabinet Secretaries to address issues, but none succeeded.

I believe Chip Manufacturers were building plants in the US because China was expected to launch a military invasion to take over Taiwan, but there are delays due to lower demand from low EV sales and our lack of construction capabilities to build complex chip manufacturing plants.

Biden will not be able to defend his decisions to US voters and will continue to dismiss all criticism of his policies that created global inflation and multiple wars in the name of saving the world from CO2.

From the beginning of his “Administration”, Biden replaced the Trump policies that benefitted US citizens with the Obama policies that attacked US citizens and catered to globalist internationalism. Biden immediately resumed talks with Iran and lifted the sanctions Trump imposed to return to trying to influence Iran with appeasement. It didn’t work for Obama and it didn’t work for Biden.

Biden needed the support of his “Far Left” Democrats and adopted all of their worst ideas like Open Borders, excessive regulations and the resurgence of “Climate Change”. Biden adopted DEI and imposed it throughout the federal workforce. Biden has been serving to produce Obama’s third term. He is promising higher taxes and more federal spending. He continues to fight the Supreme Court’s correct decision to allow States to decide on their own “Abortion Laws”. He will attempt to overturn 2nd Amendment gun rights to enable a peaceful Communist takeover. He will continue DEI and the abandonment of the US Meritocracy. He will encourage Illegals to vote for him and Democrats will invent ways to allow that to happen.

Biden is dismissive of the financial pressure he has delivered to US voters and their families. He increased annual federal spending from $4 trillion to $6 trillion and wants to move it to $8 trillion. His response to US voters is to “suck it up”.

This reminds me of how George HW Bush (1989-1992) lost the Presidential election to Bill Clinton in 1993 despite his success in the Gulf War in 1990.  Bush was dismissive of voters’ complaints about the Recession. He told them to “go out and buy something”.  Republicans voted for Ross Perot, because he made the case to lower federal spending and predicted a crippling National Debt. Perot was right. Our National Debt moved from $5 trillion in 1990 to approaching $35 trillion in 2024.  GHW Bush also viewed himself as the “Leader of the Free World” and didn’t give a flip about the US economy. GHW Bush (RINO) was another not-too-bright, likable, bi-partizan horse-trader who alienated the private sector with unnecessary Labor Laws and Regulations masquerading as populism.

The Democrats have implemented a diversion tactic with all the orchestrated disruption over Biden’s candidacy. It is a ruse. Believing they have ended the debate about Biden’s dementia, they will return support to Biden and try to rig the 2024 election with illegals voting and ballot box stuffing.

So I am revising my description of Biden’s Problems. He is still a not-too-bright, gaff-prone, likable horse-trader with bad judgement, senior moments and a selective memory that allows him to claim “accomplishments” he didn’t achieve. He has moved from the Senate to Vice President to Leader of the Free World and he will continue to operate as the “Free World Leader”. That leaves us without a President. Biden will continue to be dismissive of our need to save our economy. He thinks he needs to save the planet and voters need to “suck it up”.

If US voters really want the inflation, invasion, taxation, stagnation and total economic collapse to stop, they will elect Trump. He has already proven that he knows how to be the President of the USA with policies that work. Trump will need to fix the gaping holes in the US Constitution quickly by tasking the Congress to repeal the destructive laws already on the books to include election integrity, foreign government land ownership, birther babies, the transfer of federal land to States, UN Agenda 21, Obamacare and other laws established by “case law” rulings.

All the Global Marxists in the UN and Davos, our Communist neighbors, the Democrat Party, our Global Corporations, our College Faculties, our K-12 Public School Teachers, our LGBTQ folks, our Hollywood Actors, our Fake News Reporters and our Federal Agency Civil Servants will be disappointed.

Biden’s “Senior Moment” symptoms included ‘brain-freeze” when he loses his train of thought and says “anyway”. He also fails to concentrate and uses the wrong names. His symptoms become worse when he is under pressure.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



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