Thursday, July 4, 2024

Lawless Countries 7-4-24

The US “Wild West” was caused by understaffed law enforcement in the 1800s as settlers moved “West” in covered wagons. The violence was created by Indian Tribes attacking settlers to discourage them from remaining on what Indians considered to be “their land”.  American Indians had become accustomed to moving around vast areas of land to follow buffalo herds and secure fresh water.  Their beliefs that land was for their tribe were reasonable to them. They fought other tribes when their lands were invaded. They didn’t understand European “land ownership” by individuals. More violence was caused by “outlaws”, who knew that law enforcement was limited.  Small towns sprang up along well-established trails and offered needed services from blacksmiths, stables, hotels and saloons.  Every family had Bibles and learned to read. When these towns established churches, the families in these towns became intolerant of the cowboys and their saloons and prostitutes. The families were farmers and they were also intolerant of the cowboys for removing their fences to drive their cattle through their land.  Law enforcement was sought after by the Church-going Farm families and eventually was established.  The last cattle drive in America was in 1895. Cattle were being shipped to Eastern cities by railroads that also carried farm produce. The “sanctity” of family land became a “primary right” and the need to get places was replaced by public roads.

Now we are experiencing another breech of the “sanctity of family land” with the 12 million migrants and an additional 500,000 US homeless citizens. The migrants cross the farmland and the homeless live on the sidewalks in commercial areas in big cities. When you couple this with the 75 Soros-funded District Attorneys who won’t prosecute criminals, we have gang-led daylight looting going on in Democrat-led cities.

This is forcing the businesses to close their stores in these areas. The total dollar volume of commercial real estate transactions was $647 billion in 2023, down from $1.14 trillion in 2022. Commercial property values are down 7% in the past 12 months, led by a 14% decline in office value.

In 2020, the death of George Floyd prompted the creation of “Black Lives Matter” who sponsored wide-spread destruction in cities across the US.  These riots were funded by non-profits. The arson, vandalism, and looting that occurred between May 26 and June 8 caused approximately $1–2 billion in insured damages nationally, the highest recorded damage from civil disorder in U.S. history, and surpassing the record set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.  Between 1997 and 2005, Floyd served eight jail terms on various charges, including drug possession, theft, and trespass. In one of these cases, Floyd was convicted of possessing half a gram of crack cocaine in 2004 based on the sole testimony of police officer Gerald Goines. 

Now the liberal supporters of these riots are masquerading as the “church people” who objected to the cowboys, saloons and prostitutes in the “Wild West”. 

In 1692, the Puritans Abigail Williams, Thomas Putnam and Reverend Parris are responsible for the trials because they falsely accuse other people of witchcraft for the effects of the smallpox epidemic.  Nineteen people were executed, 14 women and five men. An 81-year-old man was killed, pressed to death by stones during torture.  All the accused were pardoned by the end of 1693, because the witch hunt fit in with New England folk beliefs and theology. 

Certainly by 1776, the damage of the Salem Witch Trials was well known. The Founders were very skeptical of the Puritans. It can take a long time before everyone will eventually identify the excesses of radical protesters of the 2000s as unlawful. In the meantime, the “right” to protest must be redefined to restrict protests from public spaces and confined to social media. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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