Friday, July 26, 2024

When I became a Trumper 7-27-24

In 2016, before the first Republican Presidential Debate I was asked who I supported for President. My answer was “whoever tells the most truth”. When I watched the debate, I saw Donald Trump recite a litany of failures attributed to the other candidates due to their cowardice. He named every failure I noticed over the years. These Republicans always campaigned claiming to be Conservatives and then folded and voted with the Democrats. That is when I became a Trumper. 

I wondered why Trump called some of them names, but the truth he brought to the table on the issues was flawless. The other candidates knew he was right and they were embarrassed and rightfully so.

Trump’s litany of failures were identical to the failures identified by the Tea Party. I concluded that he got them from Tea Party leaders. I concluded that Steve Bannon from Breitbart was his tutor. Tea Party oriented Republican candidates had been elected after the Tea Party rallies began in 2010. This stunned the Establishment Republicans and they declared war on the Tea Party. This division lasted for 6 years and in 2016 Trump was elected President with a Republican House and Senate.

Trumps first 2 years in 2017 and 2018 did include removing unnecessary regulations, reducing taxes and beginning to build the border wall. Republican RINO Senator John McCain was the ‘no vote’ that kept Obamacare from being repealed. The Russian Collusion Hoax that began in 2015 during Trump’s first campaign continued.  

Trump’s victory also stunned the Democrats, who took the House in 2018 and fought Trump’s policies, but he was able to fund the border wall with Defense Budget dollars.

Fracking allowed Trump to increase oil and natural gas production. He opened Anwar for drilling in Alaska and pipelines were being built in the US to ensure safety and efficiency and reduce cost. Increasing Supply allowed US Gasoline prices fell to $1.97 per gallon. Household incomes increased by $6000/yr.. Unemployment fell to 3.7%. Inflation was 1.7%. Trump reduced US Federal Taxes to allow US companies to reshore their money and jobs and small businesses flourished. The Obama “Great Recession” caused by the “mortgage meltdown that lasted from 2009 to 2016 had ended.

The “Global Economy Scam” that began in the 1990s was failing and the US jobs that were off-shored had a Path to re-shore with the right mix of lower corporate taxes and the use of Tariffs. “Free Trade” and “Zero Rates” for Central Banks created dangerously high Debt to GDP ratios. The overreaction to liquidity had funded a spending spree and government overspending was coming home to roost as a cause of inflation. The reduction in oil production in 2021 had its affect in 2022 and resulted in inflation of gasoline prices and transportation costs for consumer goods and food.

Trump will need to US reduce taxes again to reshore US manufacturing, so that we can produce what we consume and rebuild the US economy to become affordable again.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



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