Saturday, August 3, 2024

Affirmative Action 8-4-24

I supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in spirit, but I thought it went too far in its move away from the US meritocracy in 1965 when the EEOC was created. It was a full-employment law for lawyers. I was right. 90% of all discrimination cases were dismissed. It was a scam.  My approach to Affirmative Action was to continue to recruit and hire the best candidates I could find. When I found first-rate minorities, I hired them. They brought in more first-rate minorities. They appreciated my approach. 

When I joined Washington U Medical School in St Louis in 1971, among my assignments I was tasked with drafting their Affirmative Action Plan. They already had a workforce full of first-rate minorities in their hospital operations.

When I joined Schwan Foods in 1975 and Rickel Manufacturing in 1979 in Salina Kansas, Salina had no minorities.  When I joined Hayes Microcomputer Products in 1983 in Atlanta GA, they already had first-rate minorities.

When I joined Electromagnetic Sciences in 1986 in Atlanta there were ample numbers of first-rate minorities, so I hired the best. I continued to make skills testing and technical interviews as part of the process. I passed all OFCCP and EEOC audits with flying colors. My strategy for attracting first-rate minorities was to already have some first-rate minorities on the payroll. The best wanted to work with the best regardless of race. This was consistent with maintaining a “meritocracy”.

When I opened my consulting practice, I wrote Affirmative Action Plans for most of my electronics companies along with my regulatory compliant policy manuals. Most of my work included recruiting engineers. My job postings described what job they would do, what products they would work on and what tools they would use. Engineers told me they appreciated that information. I continued to use skills tests and interview panels.

After 60 years, Affirmative Action has done its job. We are seeing a return to a meritocracy. We now need to concentrate on making our failed Education System more relevant to what is needed.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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