Wednesday, August 21, 2024

American Marxists 8-21-24

Marxists began to infiltrate the US government in 1901 and began to prepare the road ahead with “big socialist government”. The Marxists targeted the wealthy families who had led the US through the Industrial Revolution. 

Theodore Roosevelt (R) was the US President from 1901 to 1909. He was the Vice President and succeeded William McKinley ® who was assassinated in 1901.

Roosevelt implemented his “Square Deal” regulatory, environmental and food safety policies. He supported American Colonialism and the US takeover of the Philippines in 1898 and the takeover of Cuba in the Spanish American War and  he built the Panama Canal.

In 1902, he used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 to break up the Railroad monopoly JP Morgan formed to enable railroads to pay for their expansion debts. This ushered in the creation of “public companies”. This warned the private sector to be wary of government takeovers and abuse.

Roosevelt created the Commerce Department in 1903 to investigate “monopolies” in the US.

In 1903 Roosevelt took over building the Panama Canal and finished it in 1914. This was a good project that allowed a shorter shipping route from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans.

He passed the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. The meat inspection act of 1906. The Federal employers’ liability act of 1908 and the Federal employee’s compensation act of 1908. These laws were necessary.

Theodore Roosevelt created the United States Forest Service, established 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, 4 national game preserves, 5 national parks, and 18 national monuments by enabling the 1906 American Antiquities Act. These laws were not necessary and played into Marxist hands to diminish private land ownership by the private sector. Today the US government owns 30% of the US land mass and does a rotten job of taking care of it.

In 1901 the US had 231,000 federal employees. By 2002, the US had 1,818,000 Executive Branch employees.

In 2023, there were 2.95 million employees in the US Agencies of the Federal Workforce.

In the 1800s, the US had used manual labor to build railroads, roads, harbors and canals allow for faster movement of goods by rail and ship. The manual labor was performed by immigrants wanting to escape Europe. Life expectancy in 1850 was age 38. Deaths and injuries on labor crews were routine.  The invention of the steam engine had allowed for railroads to develop and factories to be built in big cities. As US citizens moved to big cities, water-born diseases increased because sewage was being dumped back into rivers. River water was the drinking water.  Water born diseases in 1850 included smallpox, malaria, viral influenza, yellow fever, measles, typhus, bubonic plague, typhoid fever, cholera, and pertussis (whooping cough).  The laboring class as an oppressed group was developing for the Marxists.

Accident insurance was first offered in the United States by the Franklin Health Assurance Company of Massachusetts. This firm, founded in 1850, offered insurance against injuries arising from railroad and steamboat accidents. Sixty organizations were offering accident insurance in the US by 1866, but the industry consolidated rapidly soon thereafter. While there were earlier experiments, sickness coverage in the US effectively dates from 1890. The first employer-sponsored group disability policy was issued in 1911, but this plan's primary purpose was replacing wages lost because the worker was unable to work, not medical expenses.,health%20maintenance%20organizations%20(HMOs).

The Labor Unions were activated in the 1880s to use their “political advantage” to gain voter sympathy and become our first group of “oppressed victims”. Industry “titans” had been busy competing with each other and delivering technological breakthroughs to invent all the home conveniences we enjoy in the US today. The prevailing management strategy was viewed as “top-down”. Employees were expected to follow orders from their supervisors, managers and company owners. Owners retained control of the money and they spent it on innovation and project completion. They thought, if employees were unhappy, they were free to learn new skills and quit to take jobs they were happier with. This was a reasonable conclusion, but the owners failed to recognize that they also needed to develop teamwork to allow motivation to occur. The myth of an oppressed laboring class continued with animosity toward business owners and sympathy for laborers losses throughout the 1800s.

In the 1900s, the inventions of the 1850s gave US workers the advantages of electricity, clean water, less water-born illness, refrigeration, telephones, radios, kitchen appliances, more affordable automobiles, stronger bridges for trains and cars, gasoline and indoor plumbing.  But Marxists continued to advance with socialist Federal Policies. They were able to punish the industry titans in 1913 by breaking up their “monopolies”.

Marxists were victorious as US Federal Government power surpassed Private Sector power.

In 1913, Woodrow Wilson (D) was elected President and served until 1921.

Wilson approved the 16th Amendment passed by Congress in 1909 and ratified by the States in 1913 to establish a permanent income tax on families and corporations.

Wilson approved the 17th Amendment passed by Congress in 1912 and ratified by the States in 1913 to elect US Senators by popular vote.

Wilson approved the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 to create the Federal Reserve System. Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act to delegate its power to coin money. This resulted in massive inflation from 1913 to 2024.

Wilson approved the 19th Amendment passed by Congress in 1919 and ratified by the States in 1920 allowing Women to vote.

Wilson created the National Park Service in 1916. Expanding on Theodore Roosevelt’s National Forest Service. Today the US Department of Interior manages 30% of the US land mass and does a rotten job of it.

In 1929, the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began as US companies laid off workers .  In 1930, the US drought created the “Dust Bowl”. US unemployment reached 25%. The US economy recovered in 1941 with the beginning of World War 2.

In May 1932, 25,000 jobless WWI veterans organized a group called the “Bonus Expeditionary Forces” (BEF) to march on Washington, DC. Suffering and desperate, the BEF's goal was to get the bonus payment now, when they really needed the money. Congress did not grant the bonuses and all were voted out-of-office in 1932.

Marxists were victorious with the election of Franklin D Roosevelt in 1933. He began growing the US government beyond their expectations. Ending the Great Depression that lasted from 1929 to 1939 was Roosevelt’s goal, but it took World War II to end it.

Franklin D Roosevelt (D) became President in 1933 and served 3 terms until his death in 1945. The New Deal included the creation of jobs through public works, the creation of Social Security, support for labor unions and the creation of all the Federal Agencies we have today. In 1941, Roosevelt led the strategy that allowed us to win World War II.

Harry S Truman (D) became President in 1945 and served 2 terms until 1953. He ordered dropping the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II. Truman implemented the Marshall Plan to restore post-war Europe and Japan  Truman led the strategy that allowed a stalemate of the Korean War.

Dwight D Eisenhauer (R) became President in 1953 and served 2 terms until 1961. He led the US through 8 years of peace and prosperity.  The U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 347 U.S. 483, on May 17, 1954. Tied to the 14th Amendment, the decision declared all laws establishing segregated schools to be unconstitutional, and it called for the desegregation of all schools throughout the nation.

John F Kennedy (D) became President in 1961 and served from January 1961 to November 1963 and was assassinated. He cut taxes, objected to expanding the Vietnam  War, began eradicating the US Mafia, supported Civil Rights, ended the Cuba Missile crisis and created the US Space Program.

Lyndon B Johnson (D) became President in 1963 and served from November 1963 until January 1969. In 1965 he passed the Civil Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, OFCCP In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin by those organizations receiving federal contracts and subcontracts and created the OFCCP. He led the strategy that doomed the outcome of the Vietnam War and created the inflation of the 1970s and 1980s that led to 18% mortgage rates in 1983.

Richard M Nixon (R) became President in 1969 and served 2 terms until 1974. In 1972 he visited China and began the trade relationship that would lead to the off-shoring of US manufacturing.  Nixon abandoned the Gold Standard. Nixon resigned in 1974 and was replaced by Vice President Gerald Ford.

Gerald Ford became (R) President in 1974 and served 1 term until 1977. In 1974, inflation was rising at 12.2% in 1976 inflation was 4.6%. From 1975 to 1976 employment grew from 84.1 million to 87.9 million. Unemployment decreased from 8.9% to 7.8%. Housing starts rose by 38%. US GNP rise by 10%. Per Capita GDP rose 5%. Farm income rose to $26 billion and farm exports rose to $22 billion. Crime was cut by 75%. Defense spending increased to restore the military. Foreign relations with allies improved. Peace and prosperity were assured.

Jimmy Carter (D) became President in 1977 and served 1 term until 1980.  In 1979 the U.S. and China reestablished diplomatic relations and signed a bilateral trade agreement. This gave a start to a rapid growth of trade between the two nations: from $4 billion (exports and imports) that year to over $600 billion in 2017.  In 1979, Iran seized the US Embassy and held US hostages. Carter ordered a rescue that failed because of faulty equipment.

Ronald Reagan (R) became President in 1980 and served 2 terms until 1988. Reagan cut the top marginal tax rate from 73% to 28%. This unleashed the US economy to grow for the next 25 years. He increased defense spending and won the Cold War. He knew the USSR was broke. The USSR dissolved itself in 1989, outlawed the Communist Party and became the Russian Republic.

George W Bush (R) became President in 1988 and served 1 term until 1992. He signed on to UN Agenda 21 in 1989 and passed every dumb bill Ted Kennedy sponsored and damaged his Republican support.  He is credited for winning the Gulf War in 1990, by forming a coalition to remove Iraq from Kwait. His defeat in 1992 was caused by the 1992 Recession and Ross Perot’s third-party campaign that drew Republican voters. He became the first RINO.

Bill Clinton (D) became President in 1992 and served 2 terms until 2000. He reigned back welfare and balanced the Federal Budget. He also ordered UN Agenda 21 implementation in the US. He was bi-ideological.

George W Bush (R) became President in 2000 and served 2 terms until 2008. He failed to stop the 911 attack on the Twin Towers and failed to stop the Mortgage Meltdown that started the Great Recession. He squandered $10 trillion on nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Barak Obama (D) became President in 2009 and served 2 terms until 2016. He presided over the Great Recession with stagflation where wages didn’t increase, but federal spending soared. He weaponized the Federal Government against the American citizens and completed the Deep State. He was raised as a Muslim Communist and represented a mile-stone for the Marxist plan. He squandered $10 trillion on the Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax by funding failed solar and wind projects and terrorized US citizens with the EPA. 

Donald J Trump (R) became President in 2017 and served 1 term until 2021. He cut corporate taxes from 28% to 21% and imposed Tariffs on China to allow US companies to re-shore US manufacturing. He cut individual income taxes to give US taxpayers a break, He increased oil and natural gas production and cut the price of gasoline to under $2 per gallon and made the US energy independent. He built the border wall and stopped the illegal immigrant invasion. He produced low inflation and reignited the US economy. He got the Covid19 vaccine out in the first year of the pandemic and spend $1.6 trillion on Covid. He worked on lowering the US Trade Deficit through “reciprocal trade”. He prevented war by inflicting total economic isolation on Iran and Russia. He initiated the Abraham Accords to make the Middle East self-sufficient. His policies made sense and they worked. He delivered a good economy and became an “existential threat” to all American Marxists.

Joe Biden (D) became President in 2021 and will serve 1 term until 2024. He cancelled all of Trumps policies. He opened the border to allow 11 million illegal immigrants to enter the US. He crippled oil and natural gas production and cancelled the pipeline expansion. He ruined the US auto industry with his EV mandates. He rejoined the UN Climate Change Hoax. He is squandering $10 trillion on Climate Change and Deep State expansion. He took the National Debt from $27 trillion to $34 trillion. He increased US Federal Spending by $4 trillion. He became the champion of mal-investment.

In 2020, federal revenue was $3.42 trillion, spending was $6.552 trillion and the US deficit was $3.132 trillion due to Covid. In 2021, mandatory federal spending for Social Security and Medicare was $4.8 trillion In 2023 mandatory federal spending was $4.6 trillion due to 940.000 over age 65 deaths during Covid.

Donald J Trump (R) is poised to serve his second term in 2024. He will commence drilling oil and natural gas, build the pipelines, regain energy independence. This will lower oil and natural gas prices and force Iran and Russia to end their wars. He will export US oil and natural gas to our allies to decrease the US trade deficit. He will finish the border wall and reinstall his policies to end illegal immigration. He will deport all illegal immigrants who entered the US from 2021 through 2024. He will crack down on crime and force States, Counties and Cities to repeal their Sanctuary status. He will increase Tariffs on China to end off-shoring of manufacturing. He will cut taxes again and make them permanent. He will drain the swamp and bring US Government Agencies into full compliance with US law.


We have had a long history of being duped by the propaganda that has seeped into US history and resulted in creating future events that are dangerous and costly. We have had Democrat and Republican leaders lead us to folly.

We have had a few who led us away from folly. We need more of thoughtful leaders who demonstrate good judgment. US voters need to review the facts I have outlined above and vote to restore our economy.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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