Saturday, August 24, 2024

Election Integrity 8-24-24

The US needs to adopt Election Integrity laws that prevents hackers from changing votes in voter machines, prevents illegal migrants from voting, prevents voters from voting twice in different States, prevents dead people from voting, prevents ballot box stuffing and prevents ballot harvesting. This requires an open process that ensures that States clean their voter rolls, test their voting machines, limit drivers’ licenses to citizens only and ensures that only US citizens are able to vote. 

Democrats have used election fraud for decades. Lyndon Johnson was running for Congress in July

1946. He hired crews to vote for dead people and marked the voter registration lists accordingly. They covered every polling place in the district. Johnson won the primary with 68.52%. He ran unopposed and was reelected in November 1946. Democrats routinely use intimidation to get their neighbors to vote for Democrats. This was perfected by the labor unions who used the same tactics. Election workers are mostly Democrats.

Early voting begins in N Carolina in September 2024 with absentee ballots. N Carolina has a Democrat Governor. These ballots need to be vetted immediately to ensure that they were not altered. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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