Sunday, August 25, 2024

Federal Government Abuse 8-25-24

Congress needs to tighten laws that allow for government abuse of the Private Sector. Declaring an emergency should be focused on Federal government and State agency assistance, not citizen control. 

Public Health Abuse

Tighter Federal Laws should be passed to ensure that citizens are told the side-effects of Virus Vaccines and have the right to refuse to get vaccinated. Allowing Governors the authority to be the final arbiters of public health events resulted in abuse during COVID that included closing businesses, closing schools, firing those who refused to be vaccinated, banning free speech and arresting citizens who resisted these draconian tactics.

Trump’s actions aimed at having the Pharma Companies provide the COVID Vaccine in less than 1 year and providing ventilators and having Military Logistics expedite virus delivery reset the bar for future virus deployment.

Ron DeSantis set the bar for Florida to concentrate on the data and respond correctly by focusing on the most vulnerable population over age 65 and those with pre-existing conditions.  

We knew that COVID would “morph” to become less lethal and more contagious. We knew that children were less vulnerable unless they had pre-existing conditions. 

We learned that COVID was “air-borne” and that only well-fitted N95 Masks were effective but were limited to 5 wearings.

We believe that COVID 19 came from the Biological Weapons Lab in Wuhan China. We believe that “gain of function” research should not be funded. We learned to quickly identify virus DNA and can determine the best way to treat it.

The Lessons Learned from COVID 19 should inform us to remove the abuse by Public Health Officials and allow US citizens the power to determine their own reactions to future viruses.

We know that citizen abuse was rampant during COVID 19. John Strand was jailed for 3.5 years for attempting to speak about COVID side-effects on January 6th.

In Patriot Plea, John Strand chronicles his harrowing experience as a political prisoner in America. From an impassioned patriot to a solitary cell, John’s journey on January 6th and beyond reveals the stark reality of a divided nation. With a foreword by Eric Metaxas and an afterword by Dr. Simone Gold, this powerful narrative sheds light on the fight for justice and freedom in today's America. Discover the personal struggles, unwavering faith, and relentless hope that define John's extraordinary story.

Author: John Strand
Foreword by: Eric Metaxas
Afterword by: Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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