Thursday, August 8, 2024

Putting America First 8-8-24

Trump’s America First doctrine to restore our economy and keep it viable is critical. This requires closing the borders, increasing oil and natural gas production, reducing unnecessary regulations, reducing the US Trade Deficit, restoring the US military, cutting taxes, re-shoring US manufacturing, restoring the rule of law, reducing government spending, increasing private sector middle-class jobs, restoring the private sector economy and replacing war with total economic isolation of bad actors by using tariffs and sanctions. 

Trump has vowed to protect Social Security and Medicare. Trump will end inflation and begin to restore home ownership and middle-class generational wealth. 

The goals of the Trump doctrine include restoring the US Constitution and removing government corruption and Marxist infiltration. Trump will lower the annual debt burden in the Federal Budget to allow the Federal Government to reduce its expenses by lowering interest rates and avoiding war. Trump will halt the rise in the cumulative National Debt and lower US Debt to GDP. 

Trump will restore legal immigration of skilled professionals, skilled technicians and seasonal workers based on merit and need.

Trump will increase working class jobs to allow them to move to the middle-class. This will be accomplished by restoring business ownership and manufacturing jobs.

The US invented modern manufacturing that allows increases in productivity and product quality. Manufacturing jobs require skills that working-class employees can learn. Companies will resurrect training as they did in the 1980s to support the electronics boom.

Trump believes all countries should put their citizens first, reduce corruption and become more self-sufficient. My posts in April through June 2024 outlined the economies and problems in all countries that illustrates what each country needs to do to advance.

The US economy is declining under Biden policies and will continue to decline between August 2024 and November 2024. US families are tapped-out due to cumulative inflation. Consumer confidence is low, the Stock Market is faltering and we are close to entering a recession that would result in lay-offs.

Voters need to vote Republican in November 2024 to turn this around.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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