Saturday, August 31, 2024

Reducing Federal Land 8-31-24

We need to transfer ownership of Federal Land back to the States to allow the States to increase the production of what we consume. We need to increase US forest production to decrease the cost of lumber used to build single-family homes. We also need to reduce the cost of Composite Lumber to use in housing construction by increasing the supply. 

The US Federal Government owns 30% of the US land mass, but Section 8 of the US Constitution makes no mention of National Parks or National Forests or Wetlands or other non-producing lands.

States       % Federal Land

Nevada           80.1%

Utah                64.9%

Idaho              61.63%

Alaska            60%

Oregon          52.95%

Wyoming       48.14%

California      47.7%

Arizona         38.61%

Colorado      35.9%

New Mexico 34.7%

Montana      28.95%

Washington 28.52%

Florida        13.25%

These States could increase their Nominal GDP if the State owned the land. They could restore forestry and end the annual forest fire festivals we have witnessed for decades by selling forest land to US Citizen owners and US corporations. They could lease or sell land to farmers and ranchers. They could sell land for mines to increase supply of minerals and lower the cost. They could lease or sell land to oil and gas drillers to increase supply and lower the cost.  These States could increase water supplies to desert land to make it habitable.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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