Saturday, August 10, 2024

US Average Income 8-10-24

US Average Income by Age

Age     Annual $

16-19  32,344

20-24  39,969

25-34  56,160

35-44  67,756

45-54  66,300

55-64  64688

65+     54,860


Average Income by Gender

 Age    Men $   Women $

16-19  34,268  28,964

20-24  40,664  37,700

25-34  58,968  53,196

35-44  72,956  60,944

45-54  72,852  59,540

55-64  72,176  57,252

65+     61,204  48,932


Average Salary by Education Level

Ed Level                       Annual $

Less than High Schl     35,464

High Schooll Grad        44,356      

Some College              48,620

Associates Degree      52,260

Bachelors Degree       74,464

Professional Degree 108,160

Doctoral Degree       108,316


US Income Brackets %Population 

Annual                    % Pop

0-15,000                 8.3%

15,000-24,999        7.4%

25,000-34,999        7.6%

35,000-49,999      10.6%

50,000-74,999      16.2%

75,000-99,999      12.3%

100,000-149.999  16.4%

150,000-199,999   9.2%

Over 200,000       11.9%


Average Income by Occupation

Occupation                               Annual $

Lawyer                                     176,470

Physician                                 158,270

Computer Research Scientist  157,160

Petroleum Engineer                 148,590

Computer Hardware Engineer 147,770

Software Developer                 138,110

Financial Analyst                     123,330

Chemical Engineer                  122,910

Electronics Engineer               119,910

Electrical Engineer                  117,680

Mechanical Engineer              105,220



When the US offshored manufacturing in the 1990s, Engineering jobs disappeared and Engineers retired. If Trump wins the Whitehouse, House and Senate, he will bring manufacturing back to the US and we will need Engineers. Physics will be need to be added to the high school curriculum.

Software Developers are needed now and will continue to be needed to develop systems that are resistant to cyber attacks and work out the bugs in AI.

Electronics Engineers and needed to further develop chips.

Electrical Engineers are needed to expand the electrical grid and protect it from being sabotaged.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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