Sunday, August 11, 2024

US Unemployment 8-11-24

June 2024 

Information 5.9

Leisure Hospitality 5.2

Wholesale Retail 5.1

Transportation Utilities 4.5 

Agriculture 4.3

Total          4.3

Other Services 3.9

Professional Business 3.7

Self Employed    3.5

Construction 3.3

Education Health  3.1

Manufacturing 3.1

Government 2.9

Financial 2.7

Mining Drilling 1.3

Lower Consumer Demand affects the highest unemployment groups like Information, Leisure Hospitality, Wholesale Retail, Transportation Utilities, all above the average 4.3. All other groups are also affected by lower consumer demand. Restaurant and Retail jobs should become more available in August as students return to class.

Cumulative Inflation at about 35% is the cause of this lower consumer demand as they reduce spending to pay for rent, utilities, food and medicine. 

Low oil and natural gas production drives inflation in gasoline and food. Increasing production will increase supply and lower costs.

Our 35% inflation was caused in 2021 by government overspending on Covid and the Climate Change Hoax. Price increases in all other areas are also controlled by supply and demand. Rents may stabilize as demand eases. Insurance costs may stabilize as consumers pull back.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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