Thursday, September 19, 2024

Democrat Agenda 9-19-24

 The real needs of the American people were not considered when the Democrats took over in 2021. They blew $3.2 trillion on the Climate Change Hoax and created cumulative global inflation at 35%. Democrats focus on a scam. They pretend that they want to help the people, but they never do. The people they target can only be helped by themselves and their families. 

Democrats focus on low impact targets like childcare that is mostly done by grandmas and other family members. They want to give away free stuff. They wanted everybody to be indoctrinated in school and want to bail out student loans. They want to pretend that abortion isn’t murder. They want to empty our prisons and let criminals re-offend. They want Illegals to vote for Democrats. They want to end the Free Market Economic System. They are Communists who want to decimate the US economy.

Each person is primarily responsible for themselves.  Each person has free-will and need to decide how to help themselves.  No politicians can help them.  All that politicians are supposed to do is support the Private Sector Economy, so that people can function and provide for their own food and shelter.  

Democrats reject the fact that people are primarily responsible for themselves and their actions. The people are continually tricked into electing the wrong politicians. The voters in Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and Gaza at some point elected the wrong politicians and are suffering the consequences. It is up to them to vote these Marxists out of office. Voters need to by wary of politicians promising free stuff. It’s too late for the Chinese. Their US sponsored economic expansion that began in the 1970s has succeeded and China has effectively crushes political opposition. N Korea is the posterchild for crushing political opposition.

Government bribes with up-front cash are doomed to fail. 

The $25,000 gift to new home buyers will end in another mortgage melt down disaster. During the Great Recession, the housing market collapsed, causing close to 10 million Americans to be displaced. In 2008, 3.1 million Americans filed for foreclosure. 

The $50,000 tax credit for business will end in more business failures. 48% of US businesses failed in their 5th year. 50% of SBA fended businesses fail in their 5th year.

Student loan forgiveness scam can be assumed if Democrats win in 2024. The Student Loan program should have limited interest to 3% and confined to occupational courses. Instead, it set interest at 6% and included courses that were not useful to employers.

Underwriting Day Care will increase the cost of daycare. The cost in Day Care Centers ranges from $5,496 per year in Mississippi to $16,549 in Massachusetts. In the US, there are 12 million children are enrolled in a Day Care Center. Most daycare is provided by grandmas and family members. This is another benefit for upper-income moms living in cities.

If Democrats are elected, more wars will break out. China will invade Taiwan and Russia will nuke Ukraine.

The US Department of Education will be returned to the Federal Government to continue to indoctrinate students to become “Social Activists with Woke, DEI and Trans agendas.

If Democrats are elected, free abortion on demand will be approved as a Federal Policy. The Supreme Court had no federal law that defined when life began, because Congress wouldn’t touch it. Se they sent it to the States under the 10th Amendment so voters could decide. Democrats don’t like voters deciding.

If Democrats are elected, the Federal Government will take the National Debt to $50 trillion and the interest on the Debt will reach $2 trillion a year.

Illegals will not be deported and will continue to increase unvetted illegals to increase US crime and mayhem.

If Democrats are elected, criminals will continue to have free-reign with no Prosecution of crimes and No Bail policies. US prisons will be empty.

Democrats will continue the march toward Communism under UN Agenda 21. This requires the total collapse of the US Economy.

Democrats elevate special interest groups on a search for “victims” to become Democrat voters. Their minority base is being eroded. They want to increase illegal immigration to restore their minority base. If Democrats are elected, they will continue to use protests to disrupt traffic, commercial and residential areas and college campuses. Democrats will continue to refuse to prosecute criminals and will allow them to accelerate “smash and grab” thefts that encourage business closures.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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