Sunday, September 15, 2024

Illegal Migrant Costs 9-15-24

In 2021, 4.2 million illegals entered the US. This includes 2.7 processed and 1.5 got-aways. By 2022, 12.8 million illegals had entered the US.

The “Fiscal Drain” is estimated at $68,000 each. The cost of admitting these 12.8 million illegals is $870 billion. Additional costs are borne by cities, counties and states.

The numbers of illegals entering the US reported in the news and on google varies widely from 10 million but appears to be closer to 20 million to include arrivals by air, sea and borders.

Illegal Migrants who commit crimes are not deported back to their home countries, ICE is no longer permitted to do this in Sanctuary States, Counties and Cities.

Illegal Migrants who claim asylum receive benefits. US Asylum Laws permit Migrants to sign up for a court appearance to make their case for asylum. These cases are scheduled out over decades and 90% of these asylum seekers never show up to their asylum hearings.

Illegal Migrants are provided with transportation to their chosen destinations in the US.

Illegal Migrants are provided with food and shelter.

Illegal Migrants can get a Work Permit after 6 months.

States can receive federal funding for TANF, Medicaid, and CHIP..

Illegal Migrants took 1.3 million jobs from US citizens in 2024.

Illegal Migrants who entered the US from 2021 to 2024 need to be deported beginning with illegal criminals in 2025.

US Amnesty and Refugee policies need to be repealed.

 Legal immigration to the US should be based on need to fill critical shortages.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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