Friday, September 13, 2024

Nominal GDP by Country 9-13-24

IMF estimates by country in 2024 ranks the US 1st in Nominal GDP with $22.3 trillion. 

19 Countries have over $1 trillion annual Nominal GDP

Country   2024 $NGDP  Per Cap $    Population

US                  28.78 T       83320         345,426,571

China             18.53 T       13057      1,419,321,278

Germany         4.59 T        54299           84,552,242

Japan              4.11 T        33215         123,753,041   

India                3.94 T         2713       1,450,935,791

UK                  3.50 T         50555           69,138,192

France            3.13 T         47033          66,548,530

Brazil              2.33 T         10997        211,998,573

Italy                2.33 T         39230          59,342,867

Canada          2.24 T         56418          39,742,430

Russia            2.06 T        14203        144,820,423

Mexico           2.02 T        15414         130,861,007

Australia        1.79 T         67021          26,713,205

S Korea         1.76 T         34049          51,717,590

Spain             1.65 T        34379          47,910,526

Indonesia      1.48 T           5205        283,487,931

Netherlands  1.14 T         62676          18,228,742

Turkey           1.11T         12730          87,473,805

S Arabia        1.11T         32566          339,62,757


38 Countries have GDP from $200 Billion to $999 Billion

Country          NGDP     Per Cap $    Population

Switzerland    938.46B    105185         8,921,981

Poland           844.62B      21916       38,539,201

Taiwan           802.96B     34589       23,213,962

Belgium          655.19B     55814      11,738,763

Sweden          623.05B     51892      10,606,999

Argentina       604.26B     13223       45,696,159 

Ireland           564.02B   107330         5,255,017

Thailand         548.89B      7659       71,668,011

Austria           540.89B      59302        9,120,813 

Israel             530.66B      56532        9,387,021

UAE               527.80B      47863     11,027,129

Norway          526.95B      94492       5,576,660

Singapore     525.23B      90054        5,832,387

Philippines     471.52B       4070    115,843,670

Vietnam         465.81B       4613    100,987,686

Iran                464.18B       5069      91,567,738

Bangladesh   455.16B       2622    173,562,364

Malaysia        445.52B     12529     35,557,673

Denmark       409.99B      68590      5,977,412

Hong Kong    406.77B      54859     7,414,909

Colombia      386.08B       7300      52,866,363

S Africa         373.23B       5831     64,007,187

Romania      369.97B       19457    19,015,088

Egypt            347.59B       2983   116,538,258

Chile             333.76B      16887    19,764,771

Czech R       325.88B      30354     10,735,859  

Finland         308.06B      54840      5,617,310

Portugal       298.95B       28675    10,425,292

Kazakhstan  296.74B      14410     20,592,571

Peru             282.46B        8255     34,217,848

Algeria         266.78B        5699     46,814,308

Iraq              265.89B        5775     46,042,015

N Zealand    257.63B      49411      5,213,944

Nigeria         252.74B       1086    232,679,478

Greece        250.28B      24908     10,047,817

Quatar         244.69B      80266      3,048,423

Hungary      223.41B      23089      9,679,135

Ethiopia      205.13B       1553    132,059,767

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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